What's Wrong?

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Grab your pillow I made this one sad and wrote it while recovering from anesthesia so plz don't judge it too hard-

How the frick did this turn out like this?

Maybe I should get dental work more often

No wait I'm joking God plz don't take that seriously please I already have a hole in my jaw plz

Yes it's Bifgils and when I reread this in the morning I literally squealed yes I'm a fan(girl? Person?)  for this ship bro

CW // Grief, breakdowns :,)

He was pacing again.

It was too often he would find himself in this situation.

But this time, it was worse.

I don't have a PLAN.

Henwy had escaped from his prison AGAIN- this time he was certain that he'd had it!

Alxton was still struggling to stay out of vampire form- he's had to physically restrain him from biting people multiple times,

Garry and Chang had gone MIA,

And who could trust Gold and Karan anymore?!

He was


He opened the big glass window, trying to breathe in some fresh air, but that just made it worse. His mansion-view was of the center of town- where Henwy's statue was shattered in pieces, Biffle's mayor campaign still fluttered in the night breeze, and the gaping crater in the dirt slowly crumbled.

He slammed the window shut, gasping in a breath as his eyes stung with tears.

What am I going to do?

He fell back onto the floor, curling his knees to his chest and burying his face in his palms.

The quiet seemed to last forever, broken occasionally by an involuntary sob as he sat there.

Footsteps echoed in the hallway, coming closer until the heard the door open.

"Ugh. Sorry I'm late, I ju-"

The voice paused.


Sigils opened his eyes, lifting his head heavily as he turned around.

Biffle's eyes widened, and the bag he was holding fell to the ground as he rushed over.

His husband fell to his knees.

"What happened? Are you hurt? What's wrong?" Biffle asked rapidly.

Sigils didn't answer, too tired to respond- he just collapsed onto the man's chest.

Biffle wrapped his arms tightly around the smaller man as he cried, looking down sorrowfully at him.

"What's wrong?" He repeated quietly.

"Everything." Sigils said hoarsely. "Absolutely everything. I'm trying to keep the town safe, but I'm just screwing it all up."

"That's where you're all sorts of wrong." Biffle tilted Sigils' chin up so he could meet his dark eyes. "You've done everything right. Everyone else is just screwing it up. And you don't have to keep the town safe alone," he added, running his thumb across Sigils' cheek to wipe away a tear. "Okay? I've got you, alright?"

Sigils had stopped crying, putting his forehead on his spouse's shoulder. "Okay." He whispered.

"No matter what happens, I'll be here. We'll stick together until the end." Biffle smiled faintly, absent-mindedly running his hand over the black suit Sigils wore. "No matter what stupid things Henwy does, we'll face it hand in hand."

Leaning over, he kissed the man's cheek.

"He'll never separate us."

WARBOUND- A Camp Minecraft Season Three Rewrite/AUWhere stories live. Discover now