I'm Not A Child

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CW // Grief, slight blood, mention of self harm

I feel numb.

Sigils trudged slowly next to Rafessor and Nico. He looked up, meeting eyes with Ambrew, whose face twisted in pity. Every person who he glanced at turned away or looked down in guilt.

His arms were beginning to sting with a grudge, and he looked down at them. He watched as red dripped out of the deep scratches, burning from the air hitting it.

He realized he was in a seat.

How did I get here?

Someone said something -muffled- and a cloth was laid on his face. He flinched back in surprise, looking up sharply.

The girl looked sheepish. "Sorry, sorry." She said, tucking a purple strand of hair behind her ear. "I'm Kate. I'm just making sure your injuries don't get worse."

Sigils exhaled slowly, trying to calm himself down as Kate pressed against his face again.

She pulled back, and the white fabric colored with red. Kate glanced from the cloth to Sigils worriedly, then walked over to a small tent.

"Doesn't one of y'all have SOME healing magic?" He heard Rafessor say to Henwy, who looked uncomfortable.

"Um, well... no. We don't have magic. We had machines, and... our main doctor-y person was..." He looked down, and as he looked up met eyes with Sigils.

Something hot and burning ignited in Sigils' chest, and he could feel his eyes turn to ice as Henwy looked away guiltily.

A hand tapped his shoulder, and he turned around sharply, hissing with surprise.

Kate's eyes were wide. "Just me again." She said, voice stiff. "Jeez, you're kinda skittish."

I'm not skittish.

Kate held up a tube. "This is going to stop the swelling of the scratches on your face."

Sigils watched quietly as Kate rubbed the stuff on his face. It was cold. As she unwrapped a long bandage and started to wrap it on his arms, he heard a voice.

"What kind of scratches are those?"

Rafessor was back again, looking at Sigils with a slight smile.

Sigils glanced at where Henwy and him had been talking to see Henwy walking away with his head down.

Where is he going?

"Sigils? Can you hear me?"

He turned back.

Rafessor and Kate were both staring at him worriedly. "You can hear me," Raf said. "Right?"

Sigils nodded slowly, confused.

"Did... did you scratch yourself on the face or did someone else do that?"

Why are you talking to me like I'm a child? I'm not a child. Talk to me normally.

"We need you to answer." Kate said slowly, crouching in front of him.

Sigils felt his teeth grit together, and he stabbed his own chest with a finger. There. I did it to stop freaking crying. Are you happy now?

Raf made a concerned sigh sound, standing up. "Okay, um..." He glanced around. "Frost. I need to talk to you and Florian."

A man with two-toned hair and odd eyes looked over from where he was seated with a blonde man. "Okay, we're right here. What is it?"

Rafessor walked over to the two, and Sigils turned back to Kate, who was looking at him.

"Er... do you want me to get you something to drink?" Kate asked softly.

Talk normally.

Sigils' chest felt like it was tightening, and he glared at Kate.

"No? You can go sit in the tent if you don't like it out here-"

Sigils stood up sharply, surprising himself as well as the girl, who blinked up at him.

The girl smiled slightly, standing up with him. "Okay, here," Kate held out a hand. "You want me to lead you?"

Something felt like it snapped in Sigils' head, and his vision was black for a moment. When it returned suddenly Kate was on the dirt underneath him, holding her cheek and staring at him in horror. She had tears in her eyes.

Why are you on the ground?

"SIGILS!" Nico yelled harshly, running over and grabbing his wrists, which burned as he touched. "What the heck, man?! She was helping you."

The knuckles in his right hand throbbed.

Did I... did I punch her?

Zud leaned over next to Kate, helping her stand up shakily. She still held her face, staring at him.

His campmates were looking at him in shock, Nico scanning his face with worry and terror in his brown eyes.

What did I just do?

WARBOUND- A Camp Minecraft Season Three Rewrite/AUWhere stories live. Discover now