Was It Worth It?

71 7 0

CW// Anger, grief, a n g s t

"Nothing is going the way it should be."

Rafessor looked up at Florian. "Nothing ever does." He said quietly.

Florian's ice blue eyes narrowed. "This was supposed to be a safe place, a harbor for the unwanted- those who wanted to be worth something." He hissed, standing up sharply. "These new people are ruining everything. They're trouble."

"They're not trouble, Flo, they're... unique, okay? They've... been through a lot."

"SO HAVE WE!" Florian snarled, slamming his hands on the table. Rafessor flinched. "You don't get it, do you? We're all suffering and it's THEIR FAULT-" He stopped quickly, stiffening. "Raf?"

The man's eyes had filled with tears, his head down. "I'm sorry."

"N- no." Florian rushed over, wrapping his partner in a tight hug. Rafessor shoved his head into his shoulder. "I'm sorry, I... I shouldn't have lashed out. They're not... they're not that bad."

Whoop- this is the sound of me switching to Frost's pov for some reason

"Was it worth it?"

Florian and Rafessor looked up at Frost.

Frost narrowed his eyes, looking at Florian sharply. "How dare you lash out at him like that." He snarled coldly, stepping forward.

"Frost." Rafessor unlatched from Florian, standing up.

"Did he hurt you?" Frost hissed, still looking at his taller husband with a burning gaze.

"No, Frost- I'm alright." Raf continued, waving a hand in front of him. "Look,"

Frost met eyes with Rafessor.

"See? I'm alright. He just got angry."

Frost exhaled, clenching his jaw.

"Frost, did you... did you go again? Your clothes are in rags." The shorter man reached out, and Frost flinched back.

"DON'T TOUCH ME." He snarled, the words coming out of his mouth darker and louder than he had ever uttered before.

Rafessor backed up, and Florian's eyes widened.


A sharp stab of pain shot through Frost's head like a bullet, sending him onto his knees with eyes squeezed shut.

He felt both men grab his shoulders, balancing him as the pain slowly subsided.

"You know it's not good for you." Rafessor said quietly. "You need to stop."

Frost fell back, panting in short breaths.

He slowly opened his eyes.

Florian's face creased in worry. "Your..."

Frost grabbed the side of the table, standing up shakily and looking into the glass.

The black burn in his hair had spread, and the red in his eye had somehow become even darker.

His head pounded.

Florian, who had stood up, looked in the glass beside him.

"I'm sorry." Frost muttered.

His husband didn't reply, but disappointment glittered in his eyes as he glanced away.

Rafessor's whole face was full of worry, but still Frost could feel it in them.

The same message he felt every time the burn spread- every time he spoke in that dark voice.

You did this to yourself.

Whoop- switches back to Florian *it was early when I wrote this*

As he turned away from the burned man the front door suddenly slammed open with a crash of wood on wood.

All three men stiffened in surprise.

Alxton panted in the doorway, holding on to the frame as Nyx fluttered behind him in a blur of bat wings.

"Alxton?" Rafessor asked quietly.

"H- Henwy. It's Henwy." Alxton wheezed, orange eyes wide and dark with pain. "He's dead. He- he's dead."

Florian felt everything in him freeze in shock.

Rafessor let out a yell of agony, rushing forward to the fox- man.

Florian looked over at Frost, whose face was taut. His whole posture showed shock, but something glittered in his eyes- something that wasn't shock, or pain.

It was guilt.

WARBOUND- A Camp Minecraft Season Three Rewrite/AUWhere stories live. Discover now