
83 9 3

CW// Violence, blood :3

Gold stared into the amber eyes of the monster above him.

Sigils' lip was curled in a animal-like snarl, strange orange gaze burning into his.

Karan lay a few feet away, struggling for breath- Sigils had kicked him in the ribs, hard.

Gold glared at Sigils, who had glanced at Karan when Gold had- and opened his mouth.


A hand, nails curled into claws, clamped around his jaw.

Sigils' face twisted into a grim smile.

"This is simple," he hissed, a voice unlike his own coming from his burned throat. "Just tell me- tell me where he is, and I'll let you both go."

"Never." Gold snarled from under Sigils' palm, even though he had absolutely no idea who "he" was.

The man let out a low growl, raising his free arm.

Heat seared up Gold's side like fire.

Gold screamed with pain, staggering backwards. Blood pooled across his shirt and onto the grass.

Sigils lowered his now bloody sword, tucking it into his sheath on his belt.

Gold collapsed to the ground, holding his side as the thick red poured from between his tightly-laced fingers.

"SIGILS!" He shrieked, as loud as he could muster through the haze of agony. "HE'S HERE!"

Sigils' face contorted with anger, but before he could move he was stumbling backwards.

Zud was standing in front of the man, snarling.

Sigils, holding his middle, stared at the man in shock for a second. Then slowly, his gaze softened as his mouth turned to an innocent smile.

"Zud," he purred, voice still strange. "It's me, Sigils."

Zud stood between him and Gold, face taut with a mix of emotions.

"I know what you did." He finally said, slowly.

"Zud, he's dangerous." Gold said hoarsely, trying to warn the other man.

Zud turned to look at Gold, and suddenly, the air beside him warped.

Another man, tall and pale, stood next to Zud.

"Sigils isn't dangerous." He said, grinning cockily. Gold looked at him in shock. "But they are."

He turned around to look at Sigils.

Sigils' orange eyes were narrow, his lip curled in that same grin. "You're wrong." He snarled. "I am very dangerous."

His gaze flashed with warning, reminding Gold of the same look Karan would give him when he was doing something wrong. A look of friendly anger- did Sigils know this man?

Gold was snapped out of his thoughts by a hand placed softly on his shoulder.

He looked behind him to see Karan standing there- behind him was almost everyone who lived in camp.

Gold blinked in surprise.

Frost stepped forward, his odd eyes narrow.


Jerome let out a snarl, but Alxton quickly grabbed the back of his suit, pulling him back. Nico supported the fox-man, face grim. The two had seemed to have grown pretty close lately.

"Fear not." Loaf had turned to smile at the crowd. "This is not the normal murderer you know."

Sigils let out a snarl, leaping forward with his sword pointed straight for Loaf's neck-

Loaf whipped around, kicking the man in his chest with his boot.

That's when, for a spilt second, the world shattered.

Sigils fell through Loaf, hitting the dirt face first. His sword clattered away.

But Loaf's foot had collided with something- or someone.

A figure fell back onto the ground, letting out a sharp yelp.

"Mx. Chaos Being, everyone." Loaf held out one pale hand.

The creature stood up shakily, twisting their spine to stare at Loaf.

Bright orange eyes, rimmed with yellow, burned with hatred.

Their grey muzzle peeled back, revealing sharp yellow teeth before they roared.


They rushed at Loaf, but as he flinched, they dodged past him.

The canine-like creature let out a loud snarl as they leaned down next to Sigils, who was holding his chest.

They looked up and met eyes with Gold.

The ends of their mouth turned up in a grim smile.

Then they, along with Sigils, were gone.

WARBOUND- A Camp Minecraft Season Three Rewrite/AUWhere stories live. Discover now