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*realizes I can't do colored text on Wattpad*


CW// Terror, blood

When he got back to town, it was basically chaos.

Zud looked around the bottom of the hill under him, where most everyone was gathered in a messy group.

Slowly, he climbed down the hill, head still feeling fuzzy.

What's wrong with them? Loaf said quietly, voice ringing in his head.

Zud flinched, spooked by the appearance of the ghost in his brain.

What are you DOING? Get out of there!

Sigh. Loaf grumbled. Zud, do you really want me to scare all of your friends right now? Later I'll get out. For now, you might want to go see why all your people are looking terrified or angry.

Right. Zud thought back, and walked closer to the group.

Frost turned around, hand wrapped in a slightly bloody bandage.

Jerome leaned on Alxton, his coat filthy and clotted with some blood.

Alxton's eyes were wide.

"Wh..." Zud started, but trailed off.

"Did you see Sigils?" Kate rushed forward to glare at him, face grim.

"N-no." Zud stammered. "Why?"

The people exchanged glances.

Do you know what happened, Loaf? Zud thought to the man, who had gone silent.

Of course I do.

"C'mere, Zud." Florian gestured with a hand, and led him towards Henwy's house.

He opened the front door, reluctantly, and Zud was hit with a terrible smell.


Zud flinched back, nausea hitting him in the gut.

He shook his head, kicking it away, and looked inside the dark home.

There was no body like he had expected- but blood was splattered everywhere he could look. Over the chair in the center of the room, sinking deep into the wood and sewn carpet- even some was on the window.

He stared at the scene, at a loss for words.

Zud slowly turned to Frost. "W... what happened?"

"Henwy was killed." Florian said darkly, still looking at the blood-covered house.

Zud staggered back unexpectedly, eyes wide. "Henwy? By who?" He snarled, shock running through his brain.

Florian looked up, meeting Zud's eyes with his own ice-cold ones.


The angry mute guy?

The guy who's h-


Henwy killed Sigils' husband. Loaf finished for him.

Zud stared at Florian. "So... where is he?"

Florian sighed, closing his eyes, and shut the door. "We don't know. We were hoping you had seen him. He ran off into the woods."

"Oh." Zud said quietly. "Sorry, I... I never saw him."

Florian looked at him, raising an eyebrow. "Speaking of, where did you go, anyway?"


Just a second. Zud thought back, trying to think of an excuse for his earlier anger and storming off. He couldn't mention Loaf yet.


Zud tried to block the ghost out, clenching his jaw as Florian's face became more suspicious.

ZUD, listen to me. You need to get out of there-

A sharp shot of pain bolted through Zud's head, and he let out a ragged gasp with the pain.

Florian's eyes widened. "Zud?"

Zud staggered back, agony rippling through his body in waves.

WHAT'S GOING ON?! He screamed at Loaf.

No time to explain. Get away from them.

Zud turned from Florian, stumble-running away from the group and into the woods.

Nobody followed as he fell against a tree, gasping.

Loaf was in front of him.

He reached out.

"Okay, Zud. Calm down. This is what happens when-"

Another bolt of lightning cracked through his brain, behind his eyes.

Zud screamed in pain.

Loaf looked worried, but stayed silent, leaning back and away from Zud.

"...Loaf." Zud said hoarsely as the agony began to fade. "Loaf, what was that?"

Loaf leaned over, crouching down. "Zud... when you-" he trailed off, then looked Zud in the eyes. "When you talk to one ghost, you can talk to all ghosts."

Zud stared at him, eyes wide.


What the hell?

Zud flinched in shock as an unrecognizable voice suddenly snarled in his brain.

Who are you? He thought worriedly.

Oh. Hello there.

"What's going on?" Loaf looked at him.

"I... I don't know. There's... there's a voice."

Loaf blinked. "Oh. Okay. Speak to it. Ask their name, introduce yourself."

Zud stared at the ghost in disbelief.

"They were once alive too." Loaf raised an eyebrow.

H-hello. I'm Zud.

The voice paused.

Are... are you dead?

...no. Zud answered slowly.

So Loaf has a new pupil.

You know about Loaf?

Of course. He's my pupil.

Nice to meet you, Zud.

And with that, the voice was gone.

Loaf put a hand on his shoulder as the fog he hadn't realized was there rose from his brain.

"So?" Loaf asked, smiling.

"They said you... that you were their pupil."

Loaf's eyebrows raised. "Oh wow. They sensed you quickly."

Zud blinked. "Who, exactly, sensed me quickly?"

"The Chaos Being."    

WARBOUND- A Camp Minecraft Season Three Rewrite/AUWhere stories live. Discover now