That's A Strange Creature

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CW// blood, grief, hinting of mental issues

Once he was sure he had lost the man, he stopped running.

Sigils wheezed, a stitch in his side.

Grabbing his ribcage with one hand, he leaned over, trying to slow his breaths.

I'm screwed.

He knew about the border, and knew that eventually Jerome and the others were going to find him.

And then kill him.

They might have a trial first, or try to talk with him, but he knew eventually Jerome would have his revenge.

Jerome didn't lie.

But why is he mad? Sigils snarled internally, reaching to tap the deep gash on his nose. Henwy betrayed him just as much as any of us.

But Jerome and him were closer than any of us...

He winced, clenching his teeth to stop himself from whining when he touched the bleeding wound.

Jerome can't see the bad in anyone, can he?


Well, except me, I guess.

HENWY WAS EVIL! He had to physically restrain himself from screaming the words, clutching his middle in a self-hug. Sigils dropped to his knees.

There was no way we could've reasoned with that...


He would've just ruined it all. Our new chance at happiness.

At peace.

Sigils closed his eyes, trying to ignore the hot sensation on his face as a tear slipped down his black, burned cheek.

They don't understand what... what he did.

They don't know the truth.

That's why they hate me.

He opened his eyes again, blinking away the blurry colors from his gaze as he looked around the forest.

Blood steadily trickled down his face and onto the ground- and as he looked back, he realized he had left a bloody trail behind him.

Yeah, they definitely won't find you here. Sigils thought sarcastically, and whipped his arm across his nose, feeling the sticky substance slide across his pale face and unshaved beard.

It burned like hell, and he was sure now he looked even more like a murderer, but the blood had stopped dripping onto the leaf litter.

He glared at his burned and now bloody arm.

I need to find shelter.

Sigils knew that he would be defenseless against the mobs outside of town. Even if he hid well enough, they would smell his blood. And when they found him, he would be completely unprepared.

And he would die.

Blinking, Sigils stood up, legs burning from being in his crouched position.


He glanced at the lake through the trees.

If I hide in the tall grass, they probably won't see me from town.

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