
131 9 2

CW// Wounds, blood, vomiting

Through the stabbing pain in his side, Gold blinked blearily up at the crowd of people.

"Who... who the hell was that?" He hissed, then turned his gaze to the

bandana- wearing man. "And who the hell are you?"

The pale man sighed, an annoyed look on his face.

Zud glanced at the crowd, then to Loaf, who seemed to be the center of attention at the moment. "This is Loaf." He said, sounding nervous. "He..."

"I'm dead. That's pretty much it."

"Uh- yeah."

Hands wrapped around Gold's middle, and he let out a groan as he was lifted onto his feet. Karan held him up, blinking worriedly at the wound in Gold's stomach.

Gold looked back at him, trying a reassuring smile. "It's okay, Karan." He said softly.

"You're getting worse." Karan hissed back, not as quiet. He started to feel eyes on him and his partner.

Gold wrapped his palms tighter against the bloody fabric of his shirt, his knees starting to shake.

He leaned his head against Karan's chest as his head started to spin.

"Gold?" Karan looked down.

"I'm fine." Gold lied.

Karan's face hardened, and he pushed Gold off of him, lifting up his black sweatshirt. The cool air against the open wound made Gold let out a hiss of pain.

Karan's orange eyes widened.

"I'm guessing it's bad?" Gold said, holding onto Karan's shoulders for support.


Florian, his long blonde hair falling over his eyes, had rushed over. "Let go of him."

Karan, looking confused, let go of Gold.

Gold staggered backwards, but was caught by the shorter man.

"Gold. Can you hear me?" Florian's icy blue eyes burned into his, worry flashing in them.

Gold nodded slowly, throat burning.

The man took one of his hands and pressed against Gold's middle, away from the wound. The man flinched, inhaling sharply.

Florian glanced worriedly at Rafessor.

Rafessor shook his head.

Gold did not like that.

"What's wrong?" He said hoarsely, the wound still searing on his side.

Florian took a handful of Gold's sweatshirt and pressed it against the bleeding gash, narrowing his eyes as Gold let out another hiss.

He grabbed Gold's hands and walked forward.

Gold stumbled over his feet, trying not to fall. He felt heavy, almost, like he couldn't move.

"Pick him up." This was Karan, through the haze of pain.

Something sharp jabbed into his side as he was lifted up, and all he could see was the blurry green grass under him as whoever was carrying him ran.

Worried voices, muffled, floated around him.

The grass changed to tile.

As he was placed, feet first, on the floor, he felt sick. There was a heaviness in his gut, worse than the one in his body.

Shakily, he reached one hand up, touching his shirt.

It was wet.

He looked down, and all he could see was blood.

He felt sick.

His throat began to burn worse than it had before.

"Gold, come on. Come in here."

He looked up and Florian, his shape fuzzy, was holding out one hand.

Gold reached out, and collapsed.

His whole body seared with agony, and as he lurched forward, he retched onto the perfectly white tile.

The voices around him grew louder with panic and fear as his entire world spun, his breaths heavy and ragged as he lay on the floor.

He barely felt hands wrap around his bleeding self, lifting him gently off the ground.

He struggled to keep his eyes open, but as he tipped into darkness, the last thing he saw was his own vomit.

It was dark red.

WARBOUND- A Camp Minecraft Season Three Rewrite/AUWhere stories live. Discover now