Heated Glass

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Minds were like heated glass.

You could manipulate them in certain ways, twist and turn them into something beautiful.

That's what Frost sought to do.

But you could also push too far- shatter, break, and deform them in terrible ways.

That's what Loaf sought to do.

To every single one of Frost's little "pupils."

Loaf twiddled with the rocks he had enchanted, making them hover and spin in the air.


Oh, great.

"Lose your way?" He snarked in a sugary-sweet voice, twisting around with his lip curled.

Loaf's eyes widened, and he reeled back in surprise.

"It's YOU."

The tall man stared at him with wide brown eyes.

"What do you mean, it's me?"

Loaf smiled faintly.

"You look nervous, Mr. Martin."

Henwy stepped backwards. "I... who are you?"

"I'm Loaf. You may have heard of me. Your pal Frost's EX best friend."

Henwy's face tightened in realization. He obviously knew who he was. "Frost- he said you were insane... What do you mean, ex-best friend?"

"I'm sure you know how murder works, Henwy."

The man looked away, into the darkness.

"I know you think you didn't mean to. Oh, but trust me on this, the universe knows. I know. You wanted revenge."

"No I DIDN'T." Henwy snarled, whipping his head towards him. "I never meant to hurt Biffle. I just wanted to be Mayor again."

"What did you expect when you spawned an Ender?"

"I thought I could control it." Henwy hissed.

"That stick was some of the weakest magic I've ever seen. That would've never controlled a 3-ton beast for long. Especially one that can just fly out of the radius."

"Yeah, I guess that was pretty stupid." Henwy muttered.

"Don't worry, my friend!"

Henwy looked up at him.

Loaf's eyes glittered as he put his hand on the man's shoulder.

"We've both left our marks on our enemy. Now we can just sit back and watch the chaos we've made unfold."

WARBOUND- A Camp Minecraft Season Three Rewrite/AUWhere stories live. Discover now