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CW// Blood, violence, betrayal

He was just trying to help.

He wanted to get it quickly, so that he could work with him as a partner, not as a student.

Just because he had earned it first didn't mean he was automatically his superior.

None of them were.

It wasn't fair.

Just because he cheated the system just a little bit didn't mean he was a traitor!

Other people had done way worse deeds than he had, and hadn't been caught.

Why do these things always happen to him?

He faced his best friend for the last time on top of a hill.

The night breeze blew his dark brown hair back and blurred his eyes, making it hard to see his opponent.

"Let's just settle this once and for all." Frost snarled.

Loaf tilted his chin up. "Fine with me."

The platinum-blonde-haired man ran at him, pulling his sword out of its sheath quickly.

Loaf dodged to the side, boots crunching gravel.

"Gonna have to be quicker than that, Frosty." He smirked, and blew a blast of wind at the man.

Frost skidded backwards in the dirt, barely managing to stay on his feet.

He let out a snarl, thrusting his hand forward like he was throwing a ball.

Loaf fell harshly onto his back, Frost's foot slamming onto his chest.

He panted heavily, looking up at the man's ice blue eyes.

Frost stared back coldly, then yelled in agony, hopping back and holding his ankle.

Loaf pulled his knife back, now dripping with blood.

Frost started to make a movement, and Loaf desperately made a throwing gesture like Frost had.

Frost dodged to the side, staggering on his injured leg.

Loaf rushed towards him, and punched him, hard, in the cheek.

Frost spun around, his knee hitting Loaf in the bridge of his nose with a crack.

Loaf let out a groan-yell, swinging his hand.

Frost was hit in the cheek with the already bloody knife, dragging a long wound down his face.

He cried out, kicking again at Loaf, who stumbled backwards to avoid his feet.

Frost limped quickly towards him again, and Loaf was ready.

He blew yet another blast of wind, and Frost dropped to the ground in a crouch.

As Loaf looked down in surprise, a sharp stab of pain suddenly went through his heart, almost as if he was having a heart attack.

He groaned, stepping back, and looked at Frost again.

The man's ice eyes brimmed with fear and guilt.

The burn in his heart was getting worse, and he touched his chest.

Something hard hit his hand.

There was a knife stabbed through his heart.

He couldn't breathe.

Loaf let out a scream, looking up at Frost again, who staggered back.

"NO!" He screeched, stumbling towards the man. "YOU CAN'T KILL ME!"

He grabbed Frost's face, anger coursing through every ounce of his blood.

Frost let out his own scream.

Loaf dug his nails into Frost's cheek as the man writhed to get out of his grip.

Loaf's limbs were going weak.

He involuntarily let go, and Frost fell to his knees. He clutched his face.

Loaf's knees buckled, sending him to the dirt on his hands.

He panted heavily, wheezing as blood pooled on the ground under him.

Frost was wincing and hissing.

Loaf looked up.

Frost blinked at him.

Half his hair was burned a deep black, black as the night sky above them.

One of his narrow ice-blue eyes had become a dark red.

The same color as the blood that was pouring from his body.

Loaf tried to utter a snarky remark, get one last word in, but failed.

He sunk into the brown soil, his breaths now only faint wheezes.

He could hear Frost stand up, pause, then turn and limp away.

He would have his revenge.

WARBOUND- A Camp Minecraft Season Three Rewrite/AUWhere stories live. Discover now