Lucy Vs Flare

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"Our very first match of this year's Grand Magic Games will test the abilities of Fairy Tail A's zodiac wielder, Lucy Heartfilia. Against the "Crimson Intensity" Raven Tail's Flare Corona!" Lola said. "Too bad for you, Blondie!" Flare said. "C'mon! Knock Miss Creepy Eyes into next week!" Natsu said. "You can do it, Lucy!" You cheered. "If you win, it'll keep us in the running!" Erza said. "Yeah! Knock her lights out!" Elfman said. 'Raven Tail. They hurt Wendy and Carla just to get our attention. And in the last game they focused more on stopping (Y/n) than winning. They have a lot to answer for.' Lucy thought to herself. "And they will. I'll make sure of it." She said. "That's a killer look in her eyes." Lily said. "Yeah It's like somebody lit a fire under her butt!" Happy said. "She knows she's going up against one of Ivan's rats!" Makarov said. "I want carnage out there, Lucy, ya hear?" He shouted. "Somethin' wrong, Master Mavis?" Romeo asked. "I can't help but wonder what the Raven Tail guild is trying to achieve." She said. "With all due respect, it's obvious they're trying to humiliate us! They're doin' great job of it, too!" Makarov shouted. "Let's just hope it's something that petty." Mavis said. "Things are heating up in the stands as well! Is it true those two guild masters are actually father and son?" Lola asked, referring to Makarov and Ivan. "Yes, but I think the fact that they each bear different guild emblems speaks volumes about their relationship." Yajima said. "Family drama? How exciting! I'm getting goose bumps!" Jenny said. "Competitors, step forward!" Mato said. Lucy and Flare both stepped on the battle filed. "This entire arena will be your battlefield, ladies. Since this is one-on-one, we've moved the rest of your teammates completely off the field. You have a thirty minute time limit."Good. Plenty of time." Flare said. "I'm not losing to you!" Lucy said. "If you can knock out your opponent or make them forfeit within the time limit, you win! "I want a good, clean fight! Now let's rumble!" Mato said. A person hit the gong. "Here we go! Open, Gate of the Golden Bull! Taurus!" Lucy said as she summoned Taurus. "Fierce Move!" He said. Flare quickly dodges his attack. "And Lucy Heartfilia opens with a Celestial Spirit right out of the gate!" Lola said. Flare chuckles. "Open, Gate of the Scorpion! Scorpio!" Lucy said as she summoned him next. "Wicked! It's a party!" He said. "Two Celestial Spirits at once?" Bisca asked. "That's amazing! She's gotten way stronger outta nowhere!" Alzack said.

"Get'er, spirit guys!" Their daughter said. "Sand Buster!" Scorpio said as he attacked Flare. Flare cackles as she sets her hair on fire to attack. "She uses fire?" Natsu asked. "Did she just block that attack with her hair?" You asked. "Now, Taurus. It's time to kick things up a notch." Lucy said. "Can do!" He said. "Absorb!" He said as he went to attack. "Yeah, man! You got it! Let's go!"" Scorpio said "Sandstorm Axe! Aldebaran!" Taurus said as he attacked Flare, creating a sandstorm. The crowd tried to block it off. "This is not good for my hair!" Jenny said. "What an attack, folks! Not only did she summon two spirits, but she combined their powers! This girl has some skill!" Lola said. ""You can say that again. She wasn't nearly this strong seven years ago. What an improvement!" Yajima agreed. "Thanks, guys; that was awesome!" Lucy said to her spirits. "Smooches!" Taurus said as he disappeared. "Wicked!" Scorpio said. Flare screamed as she was sent flying. "I'm gonna kill her!" She said. "Hair Shower! Wolf Fang!" She shouted as her hair transformed into a wolf shape. "Wow, her hair can do all kinds of crazy things!" Sherria said. "Interesting." Yuka said. "She's hot! I'd chase those locks and that caboose all day long!" Toby said. "Her hair is intriguing." Jura said. "Open, Gate of the Giant Crab!" Lucy shouted. "Yo!" Cancer said as he appeared, then cut off Flare's hair. "The master barber' in the house, baby!" He said. "No, my hair. You cut it!" Flare said. "Way to go, Cancer!" Lucy said. "Dealin' with the 'do is my job, baby." Cancer said before he vanished. "How dare you?" Flare asked, then sent her hair underground, Lucy screamed as she grabbed her feet and swung her around. "Lucy!" You shouted worriedly. "Break free, Lucy!" Natsu shouted. "Come on!" Gray shouted. "You can do it!" Erza shouted. "Die!" Flare shouted as she crashed Lucy into the ground. Flare chuckled. "Your spirits have nothing on my free-flowing tresses." She said. "Oh yeah? My Fleuve d'etoiles

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