Voice Of Darkness

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"Don't go messing with Mad Dog Wally!" Wally said as he hit some of the masked men with swords. "All of that manual labor has made us stronger!" Simon said as he hit more of the masked men. "You brats" one of the men said as he held up his staff. You furiously knocked it out of his hands. Then you created a spiral of black wind around your hand, then tossed it at the man. All of the other kids ran around with their new weapons, fighting all of the men in masks. "We haven to free everyone in section 8 today. Come on, we can do it" Erza said. "No we can't. We could never take down all those guards" Simon said. "We have to!" She said. "The only way we'll be able to save Jellal" you said. "I guess she's into him, sorry old buddy" Wally said. Simon started blushing. (Y/n), um, do you... you don't have a crush on Jellal, do you?" Simon asked. You gasped. "What? Why would you ask her something like that right now?" Erza asked. You blushed. "We... need to focus" you said in agreement. "Sorry, but I just wanted to make sure because..." he was cut off when a bright light appeared along with a big explosion. You gasped in surprise. "Where'd that come from?" Wally asked. "Look, up there!" Millianna said as she pointed. Hundreds of flying soldiers were headed towards you and the others. "Magic soldiers" Sho said. "Simon" Wally said as he leaned down next to him. "He's hurt" Millianna said. "What do we do?" She asked. The flying soldiers growled and began shooting at everyone. You watched in horror as everyone started running away screaming. "No! You can't give up like this! We have to fight to be free!" You cried.

"Out of the way!" A person shouted as they ran past you, causing you to fall over. "Please come back. We need your help. We have to save Jellal" you said. The flying soldiers flew towards you. "Watch out!" Sho cried. "(Y/n)!" Erza cried. The soldiers prepared to shoot at you, and you braced yourself for impact. The guns went off, and Grandpa Rob stood protectively in front of you. You gasped in surprise. "Grandpa Rob!" You said. "My magic may not be as strong as it once was but it's still enough to protect my friends" Rob said. "I will not let you take the life of an innocent" Fire then surrounded him and the ground cracked. The fire flew towards the soldiers. "Whoa, did you see that?" Wally asked. "Yeah" Millianna said. "He reflected their magic back" Sho said. Rob fell to the ground. "Are you alright?" You asked. "Yes. I may be a decrepit old man, but deep down I've still got some fight left in me" he said. "As a wizard my magic has always been intertwined with the very essence of my life. But I didn't realize how much so until I lost it and soon found myself in this sorry state. Don't end up like me, (Y/n). You have so much potential, don't let it go to waste" Rob said. "Grandpa" Sho said. More soldiers began approaching. "You'll find it deep within your heart" Rob said. "In my heart?" Erza asked. "Yes ma'am. The only way you can believe in something is if you feel it in your heart. Think about this, magic in it's truest form is very similar to religious faith, fortune telling, healing, and even prayer. You see, all of these things work miracles that can only be experienced by believers" he explained. "So, I just have to be believe?" Erza asked. "That's right, as long as you believe in it's power, have faith in yourself, and strive to live in harmony with nature, you'll be able to use magic. That's what it takes to become a wizard, doesn't seem so hard, does it?" Rob said.

"I want to use magic. It sounds like a lot of fun!" Erza said. "(Y/n), if I become a wizard, does that mean I'll be able to fly through the sky on a broom?" Erza asked you as she sat on the broom. You giggled. "I can't guarantee that, but you will gain magical powers of some sort" you said. Erza smiled. "I promise I'll give you a ride on my broom someday, (Y/n)" she said. The memories passed through Rob's mind as he stood protectively in front of you. "Your beautiful smiles are the only thing that's kept me going while I've been stuck in this wretched place. Remember this, your freedom lies within your heart, child" Rob said. "Grandpa, no!" You cried. "(Y/n), we gotta retreat. Hurry up" Wally urged. "Sister, come on" Sho said. "(Y/n)!" Millianna said. You sat in horror. Then you began to sob. Anger suddenly went through your body. You screamed as a magic circle appeared below you. Then a bright golden light appeared and knocked all of the masked men over. "Whoa" "how'd she do that?" "She defeated all of them" Sho smiled at you.
Erza smiled, then a pink circle appeared from below her feet and she levitated a bunch of tools in the air. Then she tossed them at the masked men who screamed and were knocked unconscious. Then she grabbed a sword. "We have to fight for our freedom! Follow me!" She cried, as she held a sword in the air. The others cheered. You smiled at her and nodded, before running off to find Jellal. "They're revolting. What're we going to do?" The man in the green jacket asked. "Run for it!" The tall one said. Suddenly you slammed the doors open. "Let's not do anything hasty" the tall one said nervously. "It's not our fault. We were just following orders" the one with the green jacket said. You glared at them. "Rainbow Dragon: roar!" You said. A rainbow tornado hit the two masked men and knocked them over. "I'm here to save you!" You said as you ran over to Jellal.

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