(Y/n) Falls

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You woke up as you saw a bright light from Natsu's and Jellal's battle. You gasped as you saw them battling each other. "NATSU!!!" You screamed. "Ha ha! You're so worried about wrecking your precious tower you're not gonna fight me full on?" Natsu asked as he charged towards him. "Cause I get the feeling you're holding back. And that ain't gonna work against me!" Natsu cried. "I'd watch my mouth if I were you" Jellal shouted. Then he put out his hand and hit Natsu with a blast of light. Natsu flew back but quickly recovered from the attack. "Fire Dragon: Brilliant Flame!" He cried. More pieces of the tower shattered. "He's aiming... for the tower" Erza said. Natsu chuckled as he sent Jellal an evil smirk.

Jellal clenched his fist. "Now I'm angry" he said. "I didn't have years building this tower just to have some punk tear it down. I won't let you" he said. Natsu laughed as he stood back up. "Tough break pal. But you can't say I didn't warn you. I told you destroying stuff is one of my specialties" You watched him with worry. 'Be careful, Natsu. You're weak. You barely have the strength to stand' you thought. "I'll make you pay!" Jellal shouted as he crossed his arms. Strong winds began blowing around the tower. You gasped as you and Erza hung onto the tower for dear life. Suddenly something strange began happening with the wind. "Whoa, something weird's going on with his magic. It's making me feel sick!" Natsu said. "Why's my shadow bending towards the light? That spell! It could kill Natsu!" Erza cried.

"And now, I'll plunge you into infinite darkness, dragon slayer" Jellal said with his arms still crossed. "Don't do it!!" You said as you suddenly stood in front of Natsu. Erza gasped. "Unless you wanna kill me too!" You say. Jellal gasped. Your eyes were boiling with rage as you glared at him. "You don't want to lose your sacrifice to Zeref, do you?" You asked. "That would be a problem. The ceremony requires the body of a wizard comparable in strength to one of the ten wizard saints. However, I can find a suitable replacement. You're not the only one who fits that bill. I'll worry about that after I kill all of you!" He shouts. Then a dark circle appeared above him as rapid winds flew into the dark hole. "Watch out! What are you doing?!" Natsu asked in panic. You smiled. "It's my fault that you're involved in this mess. The least I can do is protect you both!" You said. "(Y/N) NO!" Erza cried.

"Heavenly body magic, Altairis!" Jellal cried. The giant ball of black magic went towards you. "(Y/N)!!!" Natsu and Erza both cried. You braced yourself for impact. But it never came. You opened your eyes and gasped at what you saw. Simon had saved you and was blocking the attack off as best he could. "It's you" Natsu said. "Why, Simon?" You asked as memories came back to you. "To save you" he weakly replied. Then he fall onto the floor. "Simon!" You said as you ran to him. "I had no idea you were still crawling around the tower. You despicable pest" Jellal said. "What on earth where you thinking? Why didn't you escape with the others? Talk to me!" You said desperately as he was breathily heavily. Simon forced a smile. "Please (Y/N), don't cry. It's okay. I'm happy. To give my life for you" he said. Simon started coughing.

"Simon, please... don't go... just try to stay with me" you said as more tears escaped your eyes once more. "You and Erza, where the only people who made me smile" he said as he smiled and his eyes began to close. "No, don't die on me" you begged. Simon looked towards you, and your young self stood in front of him smiling. "Simon!" She said cheerfully. "Simon!" You said, hoping he would be okay. Slight tears fell from his eyes. "(Y/n), I always... loved you" he said. You gasped as he was officially dead. He gently fell from your hands onto the floor. Uncontrollable tears fell from your eyes as you sobbed uncontrollably next to Simon's dead body. Natsu and Erza were both in pure shock. Neither of them have ever seen you like this before. "NO!!!!!" You screamed, then fell on his stomach and continued to sob.

Jellal began laughing like a maniac. "What a perfectly foolish thing to do! He tried to play the valiant hero but his death won't change a thing. Simon gave his own life to save yours but he should've known I'm not letting any of you leave this tower alive!" Jellal shouted. "Shut up!" Natsu said as he punched him right in the face. He flew against the wall and crashed. "Ugh!" He cried. You gasped. Jellal watched in shock as Natsu ate the Ether-Nano. "I can't believe this. He's eating the Ether-Nano from the Etherion blast" Jellal said in pure shock. Natsu screamed as magical energy began surrounding him. Then he punched the ground, shattering it, and Jellal leaped out of the way. Natsu starts to choke and falls to the floor. "How could you be so stupid? Ether-Nano is made out of all types of elemental magic. It'll poison you!" You shouted. Natsu screamed in pain and grabs his throat. "What an idiot. Did he really think he'd be able to power up by consuming elements other than his own? It'll certainly make my job easier if he kills himself." Jellal said. Natsu continued to scream in pain, until a massive amount of fire appeared behind him, alongside the imagine of a dragon. "No." Jellal said fearfully. You gasped in surprise. Natsu glared at Jellal. "His body absorbed the magic energy from the Ether-Nano." Jellal said.

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