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"Edolas?" You asked. "That's correct. A world that exists independently from the one we know. And unfortunately, a world that's begun losing it's magic. "They're running out of magic there?" Wendy asked. "What do you mean by that?" Natsu asked. "How is that possible?" Happy asked. "Unlike here, in Edolas, magic is a finite resource. Without limits on its use, it will one day disappear forever." Carla said. "In an attempt to restore their rapidly diminishing magic power reserves, the king of Edolas developed a spell that would absorb it from another world. Our world. It is a very powerful spell indeed. He called it Amina. That is what opened the whole in the sky." Carla said. "So, that's it." You said. "Six years ago, they began setting up Amina vortices all along the barrier between our worlds. But the experiment did not go as they planned. "It seems someone had it made it their goal to close them, one by one. But this Amina was simply too large, no one was strong enough to close it. And thus, the guild and everything surrounding it was absorbed." Carla said. "Why would they go after Fairy Tail like that?" You asked. "I told you. To provide more magic power to those in Edolas. "So they chose Fairy Tail because it has a lot of top class wizards? Because there was more power to take?" Wendy asked. "That's correct." Carla said. "I can't believe it. That's a seriously selfish move!" Natsu said. "You better give us back all of our friends right now!" Natsu shouted. Lightning and thunder clashed in the sky. "You mean it Carla? This happened because of you and me? It's our fault?" Happy asked. "Indirectly, yes." Carla said. "What do you mean, Indirectly?" Happy asked.

"The king entrusted us to complete another mission entirely. Something that was totally independent from then one involving the Amina and magic absorption." Carla said. Happy gasped. "But that doesn't make sense. How can that be true when you were born in this world? Hatched out of an egg?" You asked. "And Happy was too. It was me who found him!" Natsu said. "Indeed we were. To be perfectly honest, I myself, have never personally set foot in Edolas. I was born in this world and have spent my entire life here. It's actually as (Y/n) said. But we were imprinted with this knowledge. The details of our mission and Edolas are part of what makes up our very being. He and I, were born to carry out this mission for our kingdom. So why..." Carla said. She pointed at Happy. "Why don't you know the first thing about it?!" She asked. "I don't know." Happy said. Carla scoffs. "Anyway, that's what I meant by Indirectly. The Amina that did this originated from our homeland. So that's why we're partially to blame for this." Carla said. "But, what is the mission that you're on, Carla?" Wendy asked. "I can't tell you. I'm sorry." Carla said. "Please tell us. I wanna know more about where I came from and why I'm here." Happy said. "I said I can't tell you and that's final. You know it but you just don't remember." Carla said. Natsu sighed. "Okay, guys, listen. Now that the cat's been let outta the bag, we should head out. We gotta get to Edolas." Natsu said. "Have you lost your mind?! Do you have any idea what's going on here?!" Carla asked. "You mean it?" Happy asked. His stomach growled. You all chuckled.

"I'm scared. And being scared always makes me hungry." Happy said. "It's good to have a healthy appetite." Natsu said. "If all of our friends are up in Edolas, we got no choice but to go and help them out." Natsu said. "Are they really there?" You asked. "I would assume so, but even if we find them, I'm not entirely sure we can save them. And what's more, if we can in fact reach Edolas, I can't guarantee that we will be able to return." Carla said. Natsu chuckled. "Oh well. If none of our buddies are in this world, what would be the point of coming back here, anyway? Expect for looking for Igneel, maybe." Natsu asked. "I feel the same." Wendy said. Happy's stomach growled. "We should at least try to save all of them, they'd do it for us." Happy said. "I may have only recently stumbled into being a member of Fairy Tail, but I am indeed a part of the guild. And like I said, I'm Indirectly responsible for what happened today. So I'm not completely against taking you there. But, if I am to do this, I will need to lay out a few very firm ground rules. By returning to Edolas I will be abandoning my mission, one handed down by the kingdom itself. A traitor. I can not risk being spotted by anyone who would know my identity. We will all need to be in disguise." Carla said. "Even me?" Natsu asked. "You sure you want to do this, Carla?" You asked. "I am. I've made up my mind. And listen, tomcat, another rule is you are absolutely not to pry into the details of our mission." Carla said. His stomach growled. "Aye." Happy nodded. "Thirdly, aside from the information I was given at birth, I know nothing about the layers of Edolas. I cannot be the navigator." Carla said. "Got it." Natsu said. "And most importantly, should I or the tomcat do anything that would constitute a betrayal towards you, kill us without any hesitation." Carla said.

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