Dead Grand Prix

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I'm impressed Fairy Tail. Nobody's ever stopped me twice. To save face, I'll give each of yours a thrashing" Racer said. "Oh, is that so?" You asked. "Once I leave you two in the dust I can catch up with the fire breathing brat in the blink of an eye" Racer said as he appeared behind you and Gray. You gasped. 'He's so fast' Gray thought. "But first, I got to run the two of you over" Racer said as he appeared behind you again. "I have a feeling it won't take me very long" Racer said. "What'd you say? You're going down!" Gray said. Gray grunted as he froze the ground and tried to hit Racer. Racer dodged the attack quickly and appeared behind him. Racer kicked Gray into the air. "You think you can stop me? You're gonna have to pick up the pace!" He said. "Oh man, how are we supposed to fight this guy?" You asked. You grunted as you were kicked to the ground. "Tell you what kids, I'll let you off the hook if you just stay on the ground. That's where you belong, anyway" Racer said. "Over our dead bodies" Gray said. "I can certainly arrange that for you two" Racer said. Racer put one of his hands in the air. "Let's kick it into overdrive! Dead Grand Prix!" Racer said. "What is that sound? This can't be good" you said. "Magi cycles!" Gray said. 'How many of them are there? I got to pull it together before I get ripped apart' you thought. "Enjoying my motor show from hell?" Racer asked as he ran into you and Gray and you flew into the air. "They're pretty tough" Racer mumbled. "You're kidding. You can actually ride these scrap heaps?" Gray asked.

"Watch your mouth, ice boy. These sleek wonders are almost as fast as I am. They'll run circles around chumps like you" Racer said. You smirked. "That sounds like a challenge to me" you said. You and Gray got onto one of the motorcycles. "Look. These chumps just tamed a charger" Gray said. "Well, fancy that" Racer said. "I suppose we should thank you for for including an S.E. Plug" you said. "It's gonna be tough having this thing constantly sapping my magic away" Gray said. "You and us, let's go!" You said. "Oh yeah? Do you two really want to race me? You don't stand a chance!" Racer said. "Underestimate us and you'll be eating our dust, buddy" Gray said. "Nice. I got to say for members of a pathetically weak guild the two of you got some sharp instincts" Racer said. "What?! That's it! Now I'm angry! Fire Make: lance!" You shouted. Lances of fire appeared and went toward Racer. Racer quickly dodged the attack. "Maybe you're not as sharp as I thought" he said. "We're still right on your tail man!" Gray said. "My turn. Have fun trying to dodge this, fairies" Racer said. Racer put his hand out and opened it. "High side rush!" Racer said. "He's throwing tires!" You said. Gray dodged the tires. "Not too bad chumps, nice warm up. Now the dead Grand Prix can really start!" Racer said. "It's the end of the line!' Racer said as he released a group of lasers that went toward you and Gray. Gray quickly drove away from the attack. "Close call. This guy's got some gears loose" Gray said. "What's up? Too intense for ya? Racer asked before opening up more sets of lasers. You gasped. Gray quickly dodged the lasers. 'We've got to protect Erza. We're not gonna lose to this freak!' Gray thought.

"So what's the plan?" You asked as Gray drove after Racer. "I need you to help me take care of this speed freak. It's nearly impossible to cast spells while I'm driving this thing" Gray said. "Oh? So you're saying you can't do this without me? Very well I'll show you some real maker magic" you said in a bragging like matter. Gray sweat dropped as he glared at you slightly. "Just shut up and do it" he said. "Water Make: eagles!" You shouted. Flying eagles made of water came rushing toward Racer. Racer jumped and dodged them just as they hit his motorcycle. "Nice! He's down!" Gray said. "No I don't think so" you said. Racer was above you and Gray. "You're gonna pay for trashing my ride" he said. Racer knocked you and Gray off the motorcycle. "Now!" You said. "Memory make!" "Ice make!" "Night of shooting stars!" You said. "Hammer!" Gray said. Racer dodged both of your attacks. "That's some quick maker magic you guys got there. But you're gonna have to move way faster than that" he said. "Just give it up!" He said as he kicked you in the stomach then kicked Gray in between the legs. Racer appeared in front of you and Gray. "If you want to hit a land on me, you'll have to be faster than lightning" Racer said. Racer then raced away. "This is pointless" Gray said. "Don't lose your cool, Gray. He's coming in at four o'clock! Together we can stop him. We just need to focus" you said as you and Gray stood next to each other back to back.

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