Enter the Oración Seis

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"She's not handsome" Ichiya said. "Nor is she a man. Why should it matter?" Erza asked. "Wendy" Ren said. "Marvell ous" Eve said. "Cute" Hibki said. "Now then since all guilds are present we can begin" Jura said. "He's not even phased by this?!" Gray asked. "Obviously not" Lyon said. "What in the world is Cait Shelter thinking? Sending a little girl on this kind of mission? They must really be hurting for members if they sent her here on her own" Sherry said. "She isn't alone. You shouldn't jump to conclusions gaudy trollop." You gasped as you recognized that voice. Carla walked into the mansion. Happy gasped at the sight of her. She was another talking cat with white fur and a pink outfit. With a little pink bow on her tail. "What is this?" Gray asked. "A cat" Lyon said. "Whoa, she's just like Happy" Natsu said. "She can talk too?" Lucy asked. "What a stupid cat. I'm not gaudy" Sherry mumbled. "That's your beef?!" Lucy asked. "Oh, Carla. You followed me here?" Wendy asked. "Of course I did. You're far too young to be traveling unaccompanied child" Carla said. "Pretty kitty" Hibki, Eve and Ren said. "You flirt with cats too?!" Lucy asked.

"Wendy, Carla, is that really you?" You asked. "Huh?" Natsu asked. Wendy gasped when she saw you, her eyes widened. Carla was also surprised. "What do you mean? Do you know them?" Lucy asked. "(Y/n)?" Wendy asked, tears began to fall from her eyes. Carla looked like she was about to cry too. "Is... is it really you, child?" Carla asked as she flew over. You nodded. "Yes, Carla. It really is." You said. Wendy burst into tears and hugged you. "(Y/n)! We missed you so much!" Wendy sobbed. You hugged them back. "I missed you too!" You said. Everyone looked confused. "Uh, can someone please tell me what the heck is going on here?" Natsu asked. "Oh! Natsu, these are my friends Wendy and Carla from when I was little. I met Wendy shortly after The Tower Of Heaven incident." You explained. "It was right after her dragon had disappeared." You explained. "Wait wait wait, (Y/n), you never told me about this." Natsu said. "Wait, so, let me see if I got this right. First, you ran away from home, then you met Ur and Lyon, so that's how you met Gray, then after Ur died you went to a new town that was invaded by kidnappers so then you met Erza at the tower of Heaven, and then once you escaped, you met those two?" Lucy asked. You nodded. "Geez. That is one messed up past." Lyon said. "Tell me about it." Hibki said. "(Y/n) was close friends with me and Carla for a long time." Wendy smiled.

"Hmm?" You asked as you saw that Happy had grabbed your legs. "(Y/n) I'll give you my fish if you tell that vision I haven't been neutered yet" Happy said. "Keep looking up my dress and you will be" you said. You smirked. "It's about time the little guy gets a taste of his own medicine" you said with a smirk. "You love her" you mocked as you pointed at Carla. "That's my schtick copycat! And I don't look nearly as creepy as you do when I do it!" Happy said. "Sorry. I'm probably not what you expected. I know I'm much smaller and younger than most of you and I may not be much of a fighter but I can use all kinds of support magic, so, please, let me join the group I'd be so embarrassed if you sent me home!" Wendy cried. "You'll never gain their respect if you cant show confidence child" Carla scolded. "I'm sorry Carla" Wendy said. "I swear you'll drive me to catnip" Carla said. "I cant help it!" Wendy cried. Carla sighed. Erza smiled. "Forgive me. I was caught off guard. But rest assured no offense was meant. We're glad to have you aboard, Wendy" Erza said. "Oh wow. You're Erza right? I cant believe it's really you" Wendy said. "You're not quite the monster I pictured" Carla said. "Surely you've heard of Happy the cat mander. Well brace yourself cause he's right here" happy said. Carla huffed and turned away from him. "She loves me! This must be destiny!" Happy said.

"Destined to be rejected she's totally ignoring you" you said. "Naive comments like that prove you know nothing about women and their wild ways" Happy said. You sweat dropped. "I really hate to break this to you but I'm a woman!" You said. "That girl's gonna be gorgeous when she grows up" Ren said. "It doesn't look like Hibki wants to wait" Eve said. "Would you please come with me, lovely lady?" Hibki asked. "Um, okay" Wendy said. "Bad touch!" Lucy said. "You sensed it too" Ichiya said. "That girl's parfum is quite unique. She is no ordinary child" Ichiya said. "I sensed that about her right away. The magic she possess is somehow different from our own" Jura said. "It seems lady Erza has noticed her power as well" Jura said. "Impressive" Ichiya said. "What's happening?" Wendy asked. "We're pampering a princess" Eve said.

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