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Natsu tried to attack the staff, but it quickly kicked him away. "Natsu!" Gray said. "Okay." Gray said, his hands generating ice. You generated your hands with magic too. "Hey, Lucy, do you see Natsu rolling on the ground over there?" Happy asked. "Actually, I'm afraid that's not an extremely rare sight on these kind of missions." Lucy said. Gray grunted as the staff pushed him back. "I got you now!" Natsu said as he grabs the staff. "Yeah! Now that we got this clown where we want him, let's see if we can-" The staff hit Gray on the head. "Keep that thing away from me!" Gray said. "Well, get outta the way, you dummy!" Natsu said as Gray kept getting hit. "Try and hold it still, ya freak." Gray said. "Try and dodge it you slow poke!" Natsu said. Gray and Natsu started fighting. "Guys, now is not the time!" You said. The staff began to stare at Lucy. "Aw, I always get the creepy stares." She said. "Oh no, your ego is showing." Happy said. "Shut up, cat." Lucy snapped. "Once again my cuteness is a burden. Oh poor me." Lucy said. You sweat drop. "Sure, Lucy." You said sarcastically.

"The stress is getting to her, guys! She's finally gone completely insane!" Happy said to Gray and Natsu. "Aw, I thought there were real women here, but they're just little girls." The staff said. "Say what?!" You asked angrily. "Let's go!" Gray said. "Oh yeah!" Natsu said. The staff kicked them both back. "A bunch of annoying kids." The staff then shocked both of them with lightning. "Gray, Natsu!" You said. "This skull stick man guy isn't playing around." Happy said. Gray and Natsu were now on the ground, lightning surrounding their bodies. "Ha! Poor babies. You may be young, but you've got a lot to learn if you want to beat me. Who cares how young you are? So if you wanna go flaunting your toned limber bodies around like that, fine. But this is what happens." The staff said. "It sounds like somebody has some serious age issues around here." You said. "Aye." Happy said. "Eh?" The staff asked. Gray and Natsu stand up. "Now what?" Natsu asked. "The truth hurts, doesn't it?" Lucy asked. "I don't think that's it." You sweat drop. "No. This cannot be. They all have fallen. I can't believe it. The six demons have been defeated."

The staff dropped the orb from his mouth. "The horror! The horror!" The staff said. "It's imminent. The great one is coming!" The staff said. "Huh?" Gray asked. "What's the big deal?" Natsu asked. "Who's coming?" You asked the panicking staff. "I bet whoever the "Great One" is not gonna be so great for us." Happy said. "So who are you babbling about?" Gray asked. "He's getting super juicy." Happy said. "That's sweat, ya dope." You said. "It's Brain." The staff said. "What?" Gray asked. "(Y/n) already put that creep on the ground." Natsu said. "I'm aware of that. But what you don't know, is there's another personality lurking inside him. You've seen the outside one, Brain, the name for the calm, knowledge seeking persona at the surface. But there is a hidden face that craves only destruction. They call him Zero." The staff said. "Brain was bad enough for me." Lucy said. "Zero's worse?" You asked. "He possesses incredible power. Paired with an unquenchable thirst for destruction. But Brain was able to seal him away, using six magical keys." The staff said. "And those are The  Oración Seis." You said. "Correct. Bound together using body like magic. And once those six demons fall, Zero will once again be free to roam the land, annihilating everything with the misfortune to stand in his path.

"Oh." Gray said. "That sounds like a challenge to me." Natsu said. All of you gasped as the wall exploded. Zero comes walking into the room. The staff bows. "Master Zero, I humbly welcome your return!" The staff said. "Master Zero?" You asked. "Things have taken quite an interesting turn, haven't they, Klodoa?" Zero asked. "Even Midnight fell in battle. "Please sir, I beg you to grant me forgiveness!" The staff said. "You misunderstand me, I'm not displeased. On the contrary it's been far too long. This feeling I have, this flesh, this power. I've longed for it. It's time for me to begin the task for which I was summoned." Zero said. "Yes, sir." The staff said. Green light surrounded him as he changed his clothes with magic. "You scum. You've done an admirable job in destroying my guild. But as it's Master, I am bound by my obligation to take my revenge." Zero said. "No way." Lucy said. "He's the true leader of The Oración Seis?" You asked. "Fraid so." Happy said.

Suddenly his body lit up and he began to shake the ground. "His body is making the ground shake." Lucy said. "So are you fired up and ready to go, Natsu?" Gray asked. "The guy's got some crazy magical power going on. I can't wait to take him down." Natsu said. "That's it. I'll begin with the bald one." Zero said. "Him first!" Zero said as green magic came from his hands. Gray quickly made a shield of ice, blocking the attack. "You'd really attack somebody who's not even able to move? You're a coward!" Gray asked. "Nonsense. Spare me your foolish ideals. Gray tries his best to hold of the attack. Gray and Jura were suddenly blown back. "Gray!" You shouted. "Oh no!" Lucy said. "I take great pleasure in destroying many things that do not move. Why should that man be an exception?" Zero asked. You quickly rushed toward him and tried to attack him with a water dragon iron fist attack, but Zero easily blocked your attack. You then flew into the wall. "Now I'm scared." Happy said. "I don't know what to do. I'm so terrified it's like I'm stuck to the ground." Lucy thought. Natsu then tried to attack, but Zero easily defeated him as well. Natsu was sent crashing into a wall. Zero smirked, then hit Lucy and Happy as they both screamed. All of you were now roughly beaten, unconscious on the ground.

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