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1 year later


It had been a whole year since our crazy ordeal, a year of court cases and moving and trying to figure things out. Lucy was charged and sent to jail, she confessed everything that her and Taylor were going to do with Lizzy. She told the whole court how her brother had planned Josh's murder a whole year before and how he was adamant that he and Lizzy belonged together. She told them he had planned to lock Lizzy away until she realised she loved him too.

He had a whole room for her, no windows only one door and that's where he was going to keep her. He had planned to come back and kill me, chris and Matthew if he needed too. He was a very sick man and I don't think anyone but Lucy shed a tear for him. Lucy confessed to using her qualifications to get her job with the Russo's, she was apart of the plan from the beginning and she was the one who was helping Taylor with the flowers and the break in.

I was so proud of Lizzy, she held her head up high in that court room and she never showed how scared she truly was. When Lucy was sentenced, Lizzy broke down in my arms. Knowing that someone could do this, to her, to me and to Matthew she just couldn't imagine ever doing that to another human being. After the court case was done I asked Lizzy and Matthew to move in with me. I wanted them with me all the time, she luckily agreed and so did Matty. He continued to call me dad, I spoke with Lizzy and she said she was okay with it as long as I was.

It warmed my heart to think he thought of me like that, I loved that little boy more then anything and of course I'm honoured to be his dad. In my dream with Josh he told me it was ok, that he wanted Matthew to have a strong man in his life to look up too. He made me promise I would never let Matthew forget him, and I of course said I would always remind Matthew of his amazing father.

Chris was pretty shaken up after what happened and it took him a while to feel comfortable again, it took us all some time but he actually ended up dating our make up and hair lady, which we were very happy about. They made a cute couple and luckily she was actually from Boston. He made her his official girlfriend just a month ago. It was a new look for him but he was happy.

Tonight was the premiere of Civil War and we were beyond excited, obviously for the film but also because it would be mine and Lizzy first official red carpet together. I know how nervous she is because this will mean our relationship is out there for people to talk about and of course she is so worried that history will repeat it self but I tried to make her see that we can't spend the rest of our lives hidden in the shadows.

Matthew will be coming with us and he is so excited to see this movie, it will be nice to go as a real family. I've just finished straightening out mine and Matthew tuxedos when I hear heels clicking down the hallway. I look up and I'm met with the most beautiful sight I've ever seen.
"Wow! Mama you look so beautiful"
"Well thank you baby. Look at you, you look so handsome"
I can't speak, I've officially forgotten how to use words. She is staring at me, waiting for me to say something.

I clear my throat and swallow "are you okay?"
I nod and she walks closer to me "are you sure?"
I nod again and she giggles "I kind of need words babe"
"Right!" I clear my throat again " just look......I can't even....."
"Finish a sentence?" She giggles
"No. I can't. I don't know what to say apart from wow"
I can see her blush, my favourite thing in the told to make her do.
"Thank you. You look so hot Mr Stan"
"Thank you"
"Are we ready to go?"
Matthew holds my hand and squeezes "yeah daddy let's do"
I laugh "come on then. Cars out front"
We step out and climb into the car, Matthew between us and I can't help but smile. This right here is my perfect life. My dream and sometimes the things that scare us the most are the things that are the most wonderful in this world.

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