Filming day 15

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Lizzie POV

Filming is going well, im really enjoying being back on set and working. Matthew has settled really well and Lucy is doing a great job with him. I'm just doing my last scene for the day, as they shout cut, I see Lucy run over.
"What's wrong?"
"It's Matthew he fell"
I scramble away from the team around me and run towards my trailer, I see Matthew on the sofa. He is crying hard.
"What happened?" I ask while cradling my child.

"We were playing on the climbing frame and his foot slipped and he fell. I'm so sorry"
I take a deep breath "it's ok. It's not your fault. Go get the first aider please"
She runs off and I look at Matthew "hey buddy, what hurts?"
"My arm mummy"
"Okay we are going to get you checked over okay"
He nods "just gotta be a brave boy for me"
"Ok mummy"

The first aider comes in followed by Lucy and then Seb.
"Hey what happened?"
"He fell, says his arm hurts"
The first aider checks him over and the moment she touches his arm he flinches in pain.
"I think he could of broken it.  You need to take him to the hospital"
"Okay. Thank you"
She nods and walks out of the trailer, I try to hold my emotions in. This is the first time he has have ever been injured like this and it's scary.

"I need to call a cab, Chris doesn't finish till late"
"Lizzy I'll take you"
"No Seb it's...".
"I'm finished for the day, let me help"
"Okay. Thank you"
I rush around grabbing things Matthew might need, when I turn I see Seb holding Matthew in his arms. Matthew has his good arm wrapped around sebs neck and looks so much more comfortable then he did a few moments ago.
"Are you okay with him?"
"Of course"
I mouth a thank you and we head out to the car. Before I climb in I reassure Lucy it's not her fault and tell her I'll let her know what happens.

As we get to the hospital, Matthew stays in sebs arms. The nurses take us straight to a private room and we get seen as quickly as possible. The doctor checks him over and seems to agree that he has broken his arm but he wants to do an x ray just in case. So they allow me in the room with him as he is so young. Once the x ray has been taken we head back to the room. I see Seb still sat on the chair waiting for us. I settle Matthew back into bed and we wait for the results. I see Matthew starting to nod off, the pain killers they gave him are pretty strong.

I look to Seb and see him nodding off too.
"Go home Seb I can get a cab back"
"No I'm not leaving you here alone"
I can't help but smile at him and pull him into a hug. He hugs me back, holding me close.
I whisper a thank you to him and he whispers your welcome. As I pull away, I feel a loss at the warmth of his body against mine. We sit and talk while waiting, quietly as not to wake Matthew up. I grab my phone and quickly text Chris to let him know what's happened so he doesn't panic.

About half an hour later the doctor comes in and confirms it's definitely broken so he will need a cast. We take him to go get one and he decides he wants it like Buckys arm which makes Seb laugh.  Seb promises to draw on the red star when it's all done which makes Matthew very happy. After he is all casted up, we are given some more pain killers and care instructions and told we can go home.

Seb drives us back and helps me inside with Matthew, he sits down with him on the sofa while I get him some food. When I walk back into the living room I see Seb drawing the red star on Matthews cast and I can't help but smile. Matthew really likes Seb and it's nice for him to have another male role model in his life. I'm glad they get on so well and Seb has become a really good friend. I'm happy I met him.

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