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Izzy POV

It's been a few days and I've been doing everything I can to make sure I avoid Seb, which is not easy when you work on the same set. Today, today is a whole different story my scenes are with Seb today so I can't avoid him any longer. I've just got to set with Matthew, chris started early hours. As I walk towards my trailer I see Seb talking with Lucy, she is touching his arm and there both laughing. Is he flirting with her? I start feeling a weird sensation in my stomach, like I want to scream and shout at them. Am I seriously jealous?

As I get closer I see Lucy notice us
"Good morning Lizzy. Good morning Matthew"
I smile and Matthew hugs her "good morning lucy" he then turns and runs at Seb. He picks him up and swings him around.
"Morning Seb. I've missed you"
"I'm sorry bud, I've missed you too"
He cuddles into Seb and I can't help but smile. They have such an amazing bond. Seb looks at me "morning Isabella"
Isabella? Wow he was pissed off "morning Sebastian" two can play at that game.

"Ok little man let's get our day started. Call me later Seb?"
He nods and she walks inside with Matthew leaving us standing there in silence.
"You and Lucy?"
Seb looks at me confused "I'm happy for
You. I'll see you later"
"Wait no Izzy...."
"It's fine Seb don't worry about it"
"Izzy wait" he runs ahead and gets me to stop.
"It's not...."
"My business. Seb I kissed you and kicked you out. I'm a mess and you deserve better then that. It's okay"

"Izzy that's not..."
"It's ok. I have to go" I walk away to the make up and costume trailer hoping to just get on with my day. I really had no right to be jealous. I kicked him out after I kissed him, he has every right to move on. I just want to punch Lucy in the face a little bit that's all. I groan and grab a coffee before sitting down and getting ready to have my make up done. I see Chris walk into the trailer and he comes to kiss my cheek.
"Morning iz"
"What's wrong?"
"Iz come on I know you"

After our make up is done sit with Chris and explained what happened this morning.
"He wouldn't do that surly?"
"It's none of my business chris I don't even know why its bothering me"
"You do know why Izzy. You like him"
"I'm way too much of a mess for someone right now so he deserves someone who isn't weird"
"Your not weird iz, you've been through a lot"
I shrug "I just want to do my job and go home"
"Come on"
He takes my hand and he helps me up
Before we head to costume and get ready for the day. I don't know how today is going to go but I'm nervous.

A few hours later

We have set up our next stunt, it's a big one and Seb is the centre of it. We are set up and they call action, everything is going well until Seb falls and I hear a huge bang, it sounds like a gun shot and all my memories come running back to me. I rush to Seb's side before anyone else gets to him. I cup his cheeks and he groans
"Omg are you okay? Seb?"
"I'm okay Lizzy"
I start looking over him, I don't even know why it just seems to be what I need to do.
"Izzy?" I look up at him as he sits up and cups my cheeks "I'm okay. Really"
He wipes away tears I didn't even know had fallen.

I shake my head and stand up "I'm sorry" I run back to my trailer. Luckily Lucy has taken Matthew out for lunch. I sit down and cry, I thought he was shot. The noise and the way he fell, it reminded me of Josh. I hear a knock on the door and it opens. I see Seb standing there giving me a soft smile.
"Im okay Lizzy might have a few bruises but I'm ok"
I nod "I know, I'm sorry I just over reacted"
He sat down next to me "it was the sound right? Of the rig. Sounded like a gun?"

He looks at me and I feel the tears falling again and I nod yes. He wraps his arms around me
And pulls me close.
"Im sorry Izzy"
"No I'm sorry. Im a mess"
"No your not"
He squeezes me close and I can't help but relax in his arms. After a few minutes I lift my head up and he smiles down at me.
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah. Thank you"
"Your welcome"
He stands and walks towards the door "Seb, I'm really sorry about the other night"
He turns and shakes his head "you have nothing to be sorry for Izzy."

I walk towards him "I shouldn't have kicked you out. That wasn't fair on you, I just felt so...."
I nod "I just.....I don't know.....I felt like I was cheating even though Im not"
"I understand Lizzy. It's ok"
I nod "yeah. I mean you have Lucy so....."
He laughs "I don't have Lucy"
"But this morning....."
"She asked me for a Romanian recipe, she wants to cook it for her Romanian girlfriend"
I can't help but huff out a laugh "I'm an idiot"
He walks towards me "you were jealous?"

I stand in front of him and cup his cheeks "I'm sorry. I don't regret kissing you, I truly don't but I don't know if I'm ready for more....."
"It's okay. When you are ready just let me know and I'll be here"
"You will?"
"Yes. You and Matthew mean so much to me and I will wait for you to be ready"
"Your an unbelievable man you know that"
"I try." I giggle "we have to get back out there"
He leans down and kisses me softly before pulling back and smiling.

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