How could you?

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Lizzy POV

I see Lucy walk in with Matthew and she hands him to Taylor, I can't believe what I'm seeing.
"Lucy what are doing?"
"Helping my brother of course"
She smiles down at me as I see Matthew fighting in Taylor's arms. I can't believe I ever let her near me or my child.
"Kid stop fighting" he holds the gun to him and I scream Matthew's name.
"Please don't. Just put him down and he will be good I promise"
Taylor places Matthew down and he runs to me, I push him behind me to protect him. I look down and sebs eyes are no longer open.

I can't loose him, I can't.
I hear groaning and see Chris moving, he sits up and he sees Seb and me and try's to come towards us but is stopped by Taylor.
"Now now"
"Taylor please, I promise I'll come with you just leave Chris and Matthew here okay. Please"
"No Lizzy" Chris shouts over to me
I look at him pleadingly knowing he needs to get Seb help.
"Taylor please. You want me you can have me. Just please leave them be"

He looks over to Lucy and she shrugs "up to you brother"
"Fine. Let's go"
"Can I say goodbye please?"
He nods and I turn and wrap Matthew up in my arms "you have to be brave boy for me right now ok, you need to help uncle Chris and help Sebastian ok. I'll be okay baby I promise. I love you so much"
I feel Chris come to my side "Lizzy you can't"
"I have to, sebs pulse is weak chris you have to get him help please"
He nods, I pull him into a hug whispering "track my phone. I love you"

"I love you too"
I kiss Seb, slowly and whisper in his ear, before Taylor grabs me and drags me away. I hear Matthew screaming for me, as we get outside I see the two officers dead. Lucy must have shot them, I close my eyes. I won't cry because of him not again.
"Where's your phone?"
"I left it inside"
He looks at me "I promise"
He nods and shoved me into a black van, getting into the drivers seat and drive away. I just hope Chris can save Seb and find me before it's too late.

Chris POV

I quickly call the police and ambulance, hoping to god they hurry, I track Lizzys phone and I can see they are heading towards the airport. Matthew is crying hysterically and all I can do is hold him while trying to stop sebs bleeding. How did this happen? I came down to grab my phone and he hit me in the head, I should have been more aware and I can't believe Lucy was involved in all this. That must be how he has the flowers placed in Lizzys trailer.

The door opens and I see the paramedics, they rush over and start working on Seb, one of them checks my head and checks Matthew over before I give the police my phone and my statement. They start moving straight away, while myself, Seb and Matthew go to the hospital. They say Seb is alive but barley and we just hope we can get to the hospital before he bleeds out.

They take Seb into surgery telling me they will
Give me an update as soon as possible. All I can do is hold Matthew and sob as he cry's with me. I can't loose Lizzy or Seb and neither can Matthew. This is just all so crazy.

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