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Lizzy POV

It's been over a week since the cops came and told us about Taylor. They have no new leads and no new information for us, which I think is absolutely ridiculous. I don't feel safe, not knowing who or more precisely how Taylor got into our apartment without leaving his cell. The cops are stumped and they just don't know what to do. Seb has been staying with us all week, he refuses to leave mine or Matthew side and I don't think I've ever been more grateful.

Filming is going great, it's a wonderful and much needed distraction from everything going on. We only have another month or two to go and it's all done. It's gone by so quickly and I can't believe it's nearly over. We've just finished up, so I make my way to my trailer to shower and grab Matthew before heading home. As I get there I notice a huge bouquet of pink roses on the table. They weren't there when I went to set.
"Hey Lucy"
"Hey Lizzy."
"Hey beautiful boy. You had a good day?"
"Yep. Miss Lucy taught me lots"
"Wow! I'm so glad. You'll have to tell me all about it after dinner okay"

"Hey Lucy?"
"Where did the flowers come from?"
"Not sure, we went out for lunch and they were just there"
"Right. Is there a card?"
"I think so yeah"
I walk towards them and grab the card from the table. As I open it, my heart nearly stops.

'Hello My Bumblebee, I see you found a new love! Fear not my sweet princess. He will not keep you from me. I shall have what is mine.
Love always your Prince xx'
I drop the card to the table and I feel my chest tighten. Lucy runs to me and try's to calm me but it's not working. She runs out of the trailer no doubt to get some help. I see Matthew crying and I want to hold him but I can't move. I feel frozen.
I see Chris and Seb come running into the trailer and Chris grabs Matthew while Seb sits down in front of me.

"Baby you have to breathe. Come on Lizzy follow my breathing" he takes my hand a places it over his heart "feel that. That's my heartbeat match your breathing to that. Come on babe you can do this"
After a few moments of staring into his eyes and feeling his heartbeat, my breathing finally calms down.
"What happened Lizzy?" Chris asks me as he comforting my upset son.
I pass the card to Chris, he frowns and then reads it.

Seb looks confused, so Chris passes him the card. Once he reads it, he looks at me and I can't help but shake my head "it's Taylor and I don't know how he is doing this but he is and he won't stop. Not until someone else is dead"
Seb cups my cheeks and runs his thumb along my cheek bones.
"I promise you no one will touch you or Matthew ok"
"How can you promise that? Josh promised to protect me for the rest of our lives and look what happened. Seb I can't go through that again"
"And you won't okay. We will figure this out. In the meantime, we will talk with Kevin and the russos and get more security on set. And you or Matthew don't go anywhere without someone ok"
"And you Seb, he threaten you in this note"
"Okay. We all have more protection ok?"
I nod and he hugs me closer, kissing the top of my head to comfort me.

Why was this happening to me all over again? I couldn't loose someone else. I just couldn't, if I do it could kill me this time.

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