Day off

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I knew today was both mine and Izzy's day off so I decided to surprise her. I pull up outside the house and knock on the door. I hear Matthew running and Lizzy shouting after him. As she opens the door, I hear Matthew shout
"Seb!!" He runs at me and I swoop him up into my arms.
"Hey buddy"
I see Lizzy smiling at me "hey Seb what you doing here?"
"Well a little birdie told me you had the day off today and it just so happens so do I, so I was hoping you and this little man here would join me today and do some sightseeing."

"Please mummy!"
Lizzy laughs at the egarness of Matthew, "well I guess we can go. I mean it's better then sitting in all day doing laundry"
"Great. Are you guys ready or do you need a few minutes?"
"Definitely need a few minutes. You don't want to be seen with me looking like this" she laughs
I can't help but look at her and to me she looks beautiful.
"You look beautiful to me"
I see her blush slightly "thanks Seb. Come in, I won't be long"
"No worries. Take your time I'll entertain little man here for a bit"

"Thanks Seb"
She runs off to her room and I sit down with Matthew in the living room, we sit and do some colouring while we wait. I can't wait for today, it's going to be nice to be away from set and of course spend time with Lizzy and Matthew.

Lizzy POV

What the hell do I wear? Why am I so nervous? It's just Seb, he's my friend. I start throwing things out of my closet. There are clothes everywhere, before I finally settle on a beautiful maxi dress that I have only worn a few times. I pair it with a nice pair of sandals and a cute bag. I quickly pack Matthew a few bits in his bag and then go down to the living room, where I see Seb sitting with Matthew colouring in.

"I'm all ready"
They turn and Matthew comes running to me, I pick him up and he kisses my cheek. "Mummy you look so pretty"
"Thank you baby"
I look over and see Seb just staring at me, he hasn't said anything or moved.
"Everything ok Seb?"
I can't help but giggle "thank you. Shall we go?"
"Yeah. Let's"
We head out and he asks for Matthew chair for the car, I grab it and he attaches it in his car. We get Matthew strapped in and we head on out.

"So where are you taking us Mr Stan?"
"That would be a surprise"
"Yay!" Matthew says from the back seat "we like surprises mummy"
I can't help but smile "yes baby we do"
"Great" Seb says as he takes hold of my hand and brings it to his lip. Kissing the back of it softly before placing it back in my lap. I can't help but feel butterflies and I know I'm red I'm just hoping my make up is covering it.
This all feels so strange to me, Josh has always been the guy to make me feel like that but since meeting Seb, those feelings keep rearing there ugly heads. I don't know how to feel about it. I miss Josh so much, could I ever really move on?

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