Filming day 5

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I'm loving being on this set, everything is going great and I'm having so much fun with the cast, specially Izzy she has been so great to get to know, her and Matthew. He is the most adorable kid and is so unbelievably smart. I questioned chris about his dad and when he told me what happened I couldn't believe it. To have lost her husband on the day of her wedding and the father of her child. I couldn't even believe she was still up and running, as well as raising a son on her own. She was incredible.

We have just wrapped for the day and I see Izzy struggling with a sleeping Matthew in her arms and her bags, so I run over to help.
"Hey Izzy, need a hand?"
"Oh yes please Seb"
I take her bags and we walk towards the exit, I notice chris isn't around and normally he takes her home.
"Where's Chris?"
"Oh he has a date I think"
"A date? Evans?"
She laughs "okay maybe a hook up"
"That's more like it. How you getting back?"
"I was just going to grab a cab"

"No. Don't be silly I'll take you"
"No Seb it's okay"
"I'm not taking no for answer okay. You can't get into a cab with little man and all this. Just let me take you back"
"Are you sure?"
"Of course"
We walk over to my car and I place all the bags into the back, while Izzy gets Matthew in and belted up. She climbs in the passenger side and we drive off towards the little place Chris had rented for them while filming.

As I pull up, I help Izzy out and inside with everything.
"Thank you Seb"
"No worries. You going to be okay"
"Yeah I'll be fine."
"Well I'll get going then"
"Wait Seb.."
"Do you wanna stay for dinner?"
"No I couldn't"
"It would be a thank you for bringing me home tonight."

"Are you sure?"
"Yeah. I mean I'm not an amazing chief but I can cook"
"Well how about instead of you cooking, you put little man down and I'll order pizza"
"No Seb, I don't mind cooking"
"I know you don't but it's late and you've been on your feet all day. I'll even let you pay"
She laughs "okay. But I will pay. This is my thank you to you remember"
"Yes boss"
She giggles as she walks into what I assume is Matthew's room.

When she comes back she is in sweatpants and a hoodie, make up gone and hair in a pony. She has never looked more beautiful.
"Pizza ordered?"
"Is indeed"
"Great. Want a beer?"
"Yeah please just the one"
"Okay. Make yourself at home I'll just go grab it"
I sit down on the sofa and look around, this place is nice. I see a few books on the table which I'm guessing belong to Izzy and a few that belong to Matthew.

"Here" she passes me the beer and I smile "thanks"
"No problem. God I'm aching"
"Long day"
"Yeah. Lot of stunt work today. Haven't done that stuff for so long. Im a little out of practise"
"Yeah takes its toll on me too. But I think im just getting old"
She laughs that laugh I love to hear.
"Guess that makes me old too"
A few minutes later and the door bell rings, she goes to answer and pays for the pizza.

"Tuck in" she says as she places the boxes down on the table. As I'm just about to take a bite, chris comes through the door.
"Hello my wonderful friends"
We can't help but laugh "good night Evans"
"Very good night. Oooo pizza"
"Yeah help yourself" izzy says while rolling her eyes as he plonks himself down on the chair.
"What you doing here Seb?"
"Gave Izzy a lift home"
"Oh shit! Sorry Iz I was supposed to arrange a car"
"Don't worry Evans, you were occupied"

"I really was. She was.....just...."
"Yeah okay. Don't need to know thank you"
Izzy says as she throws a pillow at him.
"Yeah I don't either Evans just FYI"
He laughs and we sit and finish the pizza while just chatting away. Chris tells me some funny stories about Izzy and it just makes me like her more.

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