The talk

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Lizzy POV

I had just put Matthew down to sleep, chris was getting ready to go back to set and it was just going to be me and seb for the night. We really did need to talk but I just didn't know how to explain how I'm feeling. I've not told anyone about my dream, I don't know if they will think I'm crazy. I feel like Josh was giving me his blessing but I don't know how to move on.

I walk back to the living room and see Chris getting ready to leave.
"You off?"
"Yeah. Be back early hours so don't wait up"
I hug him "just be careful with the stunts ok"
"I will"
I walk over to Seb and he smiles "Matthew go down okay?"
"Yeah all good. Chris just left too"
"Yeah he popped in to say bye"
I nod "look Seb...."
"Look Lizzy"
We both say at the same time and we can't help but laugh.

"You go first" Seb says
"This is going to sound so weird but before Chris woke me up to tell me about your accident. I had a dream.....Josh was there" I take a deep breath "I thought I was just reliving a memory but he had the gun shot wound" Seb reaches over and takes my hand.
"He told me he didn't blame me for what happened, he told me I needed to stop blaming myself and he told me...."
I turn to face him and I cup his cheeks "he told me you needed me, that you would need me more then ever. He was so adamant about it, he didn't tell me what happened but he......I don't know.....gave me his blessing I guess....."

Seb smiled "Lizzy...."
"I know I sound crazy but I swear Seb it happened"
"I believe you"
"You do?"
"Of course. How do you feel about his blessing?"
"I don't know" Seb looks down "Seb, I like you. A lot and I think this could be something but I'm scared..."
"Scared? Of what?"
"I'm scared of opening up to someone again, to have my life out there for people to talk about again. I'm scared to loose you or to loose Matthew. I'm just so scared"

He places his hands on my face and pulls me to his lips, kissing me softly. As he pulls away and smiles "I like you too. So much Lizzy and I meant what I said I will wait till your ready, I don't want to push you into anything. If your not ready then I'll wait"
I can't help but smile "but that's the thing......I think....." I take another deep breath "I think I am ready"
"Yeah. But I need to go slow and Seb I can't be public with this, not right now. I can't risk..."
"Hey. Slow down" he takes my hands again "we will go at your pace for this okay. I understand this is a big deal for you and I don't want to do anything to make you feel uncomfortable"

"Why are you so great?"
He laughs "well I hate to break it to you, but I was just born that way"
I giggle and he pulls me close again and kisses me once more. Before he can pull away, I link my fingers around his neck and pull him in deeper. He groans and I can't help but smile, as I pull away he smiles "I know I want to take things slow but you can kiss me a little more than that"
He smiles even more and pulls me back into him, we kiss and it's passionate and wonderful. We spend the rest of the night in each others arms and making out like horny teenagers.

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