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Lizzy POV

Sebs been back on set for a couple of weeks now and everything is going well. We have had a few dates, secret ones. Making sure we haven't been seen by anyone. Only Chris knows about us and he is happy to keep it a secret for us. Matthew doesn't know yet, I felt it would be better to figure out what me and seb actually are before we let him know. I want to keep him safe and seb and that means everything quiet for now.

We've just wrapped for the day and Lucy had Matthew all ready to go. Chris is going to be driving us home and seb will be coming over later. As I walk out of the trailer I see chris talking with the make up woman, she is beautiful and I've noticed he seems to turn to mush whenever he is around her. He notices me and says goodbye to Alex, walking over to me and picking up Matthew.
"Who's that uncle Chris?" Matthew asks while yawning and snuggling into his neck.

"Yeah uncle Chris?"
He glares at me and I can't help but giggle "she's a friend mate"
"She's pretty. Not as pretty as mummy but pretty"
He laughs "yes she is pretty. Ready to go"
"Don't hmmmmm me Lizzy. Come on. I'm hungry"
We get into the car and we grab food on the way home. I continue teasing Chris about Alex and he continues to tell me to shut up. I love teasing him, he is like a big brother so it's my job.

As we pull up to the house, I grab the food and chris grabs Matthew. We walk towards the door and I notice it's open. I turn to look at chris
"What's up?"
"The door chris. It's open"
He looks around me and he sees it, he places Matthew down and I hug him close to me.
"Stay here and call the police"
"No chris, your not doing in there"
"Lizzy, call the police"
He walks in and I can't help but let me fear take over. I get my phone and call 911, telling them everything. They tell they are sending a car straight away.

Chris comes out of the door and I can't help the huge sigh of relief that leaves me.
"No one in there"
I've put Matthew into the car and I walk towards chris and punch him in the chest.
"Ouch!! What was that for?"
"You walked in there without even knowing what was happening. You idiot!"
"Hey" he wraps his arms around me "I'm okay. I'm sorry I scared you"
I take a deep breath to try and calm myself down. He hugs me tighter as we see the police car pull up. They take a statement and go to look around and see if there is any finger prints.

Matthew is sleeping in the car and Chris is talking with the officer when I see sebs car pull up. He runs to me "are you okay?"
I throw my arms around him and squeeze him "I'm okay. Someone broke in"
"Jesus! Is anyone..."
"No we weren't here luckily."
He cups my cheeks "are you sure your okay?"
I nod and he kisses me softly and hugs me closer. Chris comes over and rubs my back.
"We can go in now. That got everything they need"
I nod and go to get Matthew, I lift him and we walk inside. I instantly feel weird being inside the house when I know someone else has been in here.

Seb must sense my anxiety and puts his arm around my waist.
"It's okay Lizzy"
"I know I just....." I turn to face him "could you stay tonight?"
"Of course I can" he smiles "let me take Matthew and get him into bed ok. You go relax"
"Thank you"
He takes Matthew and walks towards his room. Seb is so amazing with him and I trust him completely.
I sit down on the sofa and I feel Chris come and sit down next to me.
"You okay liz?"
"Mmmm just weirded out I guess"
"Understandable. You know I won't let anything happen to you or Matthew right?"
"I know. Just scares me"
"I know. But Seb and I are here okay"

He pulls me close and hugs me, I see Seb come and sit down on the other side of me and he holds my hand, kissing my knuckles.
"Why don't we go and get some sleep? It's not crazy late but we do have an early morning"
"Yeah sounds good"
We walk off to our rooms and seb hesitates at the door.
"Lizzy are you sure? I can sleep on the sofa"
I walk over and take his hand pulling him into the room.
"I'm sure Seb. Just sleep"
"Just sleep"
We climb into bed after changing, chris lent Seb some stuff so he didn't have to sleep in his jeans. I lay my head on sebs chest and he wraps his arms around me.
"Goodnight Seb"
"Goodnight Lizzy"

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