Chapter Twenty Six~ Kidnapped

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Hi first update for this day.. Please keep voting and commenting this fanfic .. Thank you and saranghae


Zaira's POV

I woke up,finding my self tied in a chair, I look around and finding my self in a Wooden House.How did i get here ? Where am i ? Where's my Unnie's ? My oppa's ? ... Then suddenly two man's came in.

"Oh~ Our princess is awake"The guy with blonde hair and with lots of tatoos said.

"Where am i ? Who are you ? Where's my oppa's ? My unnie's !! "I shouted crying.

"Shhh,Don't be afraid . We won't hurt you"The guy brown hair said , while caressing my hair.. I kick his ( P*nis ) Then he groan in pain.

"DON'T TOUCH MY PRETTY HAIR !!!! SEOHYUN NOONA FIXED THAT !!! PABO !!!"I shouted loudly and madly,They both cover there ears.HAHAHAHA!! I have to brave and tough.. My Kris's Oppa told me.


"Oppa~"I went inside his room.Suho oppa told me to call Kris oppa,since its almost Dinner.

"Yes"He answered in a bothered tone.Since his playing with his phone.

"Its dinner time"I said and he didnt respond. Okay!

"Zaira"He called me,I turned to him

"Yes Oppa" I said,He sat up and telling me sit beside him.

"Here~"He said giving me bracelet

"What's This Oppa?"I asked while holding the bracelet

"My Appa give it to me. As sign of being brave and tough. I want it to be yours. I want you to brave and tough,Ok.. Who ever bully or hurt you. Your better be brave and tough.Learned to fight ,learned to be strong, not to be weak,not to be scared.. Your a person,there a person.Your on the same level.. You can hurt them to, like what they did to you.. Ok. Promise me,you wont take it off or lost it.Its the only bracelet i have"Kris oppa said and my tears starts to fall.

"Thank you Oppa~ I Promise.. Saranghae oppa"I said and he hugged me and wipe my tears.

"I love you too Baby"He said and i smiled..

"Kaja!"He said and we went out ..


"This girl is tough"The guy with browned hair said.

I just rolled my eyes and stick a tongue on them... Where's my oppa ? Huhuhuhu T^T I know there coming.. I know! Tsssk...


Who do you think did this to Zaira? Comment down below ! :)

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