Chapter Eleven ~ Noona's Visit

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Another fun update for this chapter,just got home from infinity with mah friends ~.~ Hahahah ! I planned to update,since our wifi is now fixed. I got suprised when i went back home,My sister screamed like hell telling me the WaPie is fixed hahaha [ WaPie = Wifi ]..So Vote and Comment ~~


[ Lay's POV ]

I woke up finding myself in the couch .WTF? Wahh,Am I here ? O.O I got confused and curious,I thought i was in the bed.. Did Kai gave his power to me ? I got even more shocked when i see Chen hugging my feet.I kick him off and he screamed. Hahaha :p

"Yahh!"He screamed in pain.

"Mianhae ! Why am i here btw ? "I asked him.

"You slept here after the party,Pabo "He said stratching his head. -_- ~.~

After that, Chen went to his room to slept more.Since we slept only for 3hours,and good thing we dont have schedule.. ~.~ . I went to the kitchen to drink fresh water.



I heard the doorbell rang,i got curious.I mean,you would come here early in the morning.I look at my watch,O.O 5:30am.. Hell ! -_- I went to the door and opened it,and got suprised.

"Liana Noona,What you doing here ?"I asked. Liana is my sister.My closet sister. [I dont know if Lay has a sister,but here lets imagin though ]

"I came to visit you"She said giving me a Sis-Bro hugged.

"Ah~ Its early in the morning~"I complained and she just pinch my cheeks..

"Is it bad ?" She asked..

"Ani~"I said holding my nape. -_-

"Let me cook for your members~ Arraseo "She said and i nodded.Then she started cooking in the kitchen,then when the food was done . We went to the living room to eat.

"Noona~"I heard Baekhyun's Voice.We both turned our head to see Baekhyun coming downstairs ,while rubbing his eyes.

"Oppa~"Liana Noona said giving baekhyun a hug,there best buddies. -_-

"Let mehh eat too~"Baekhyun said cutely,and we both chuckled.Then all members went out together,We all eat breakfast and after that , Liana Noona left because she said she has an schedule today.After she left,we all clean the house.

Is it short ? Imma sorry >< Vote !

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