Chapter Eight ~ Mysterious Person

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Hi Hi Hi ! Viewers and Readers,Im finally updating this story,so i could moved to my other Story DFH ,,So please stay tuned. Hart Hart >< 💚


[ Someones'POV ]

I cant let them take away Zaira from me,all this time i knew she was related to me .-____- I cant let them take away Zaira from me,I will never stop until i get what i want.. Tcchh..

"Ella stop worrying about her"My friend Mika said while sipping his Bubble Tea

"How can i stop worrying about her ?" I asked in frustration -__-

"I mean , look she's with someone already"She said and i roll my eyes on her.

"I cant let this happened,for about 10yrs ,i havent seen her.You want me stop worrying.You must be kidding me ? -_- "I said and just stared at the window.

"Whatever !"She said in annoyance and look away.

I mean ,How would i stop worrying ? I missed her,I Need her ! Ugh! Why did i left her ? Maybe because, i was not ready yet,or im a big sucker ? I dont why ? Ugh! -__- Its hurts me alot,Tcchh.

"Ella you should stop thinking hard .It might worsen your condition"She said worriedly.

Yep,I have a Heart Cancer,and what is worst ? Im 4months pregnant.. Doctor said i may have difficulty in delivering the baby. I was pregnant by my boss,who just gave me money and left us.F*ck that Sucker -__-,But i dont care,what i care about is Zaira and my baby.. Tskk.

"We better go"I said and Mika nodded.

We went out of the Bubble Tea shop and rode a taxi going to our apartment.I need rest ! Im so exhausted..Pheww ! I can rest finally... Tskk..

Flashback ~

"Ella i will pay you 200dollars,if your coming with me"A guy said.I was drunk that night since i got kicked from worked.I was so drunk,the guy carried me and my vision get darker and darker till i slept.

"Dont worry baby ,I'll not hurt you"I can still hear the guy said,I dont know what i was doing,but what i know i fell asleep.I woke up in a shocked face.I was in a bed,all naked and what suprised me,I lost my Virginity.But with who ? -__- I found a note in the table,I opened it and saw a huge money and a letter.

"Hi Babe !

Its me,Carl ! The guy you met in the bar,I pay you a thousands of dollar.I didnt know your still a virgin,I had fun last night.Thank You ❤ :)


-End of flashback,

Then just few weeks,i finally got morning sickness,then my mom was worried i went to the doctor,and the doctor said im 3weeks pregnant,my Mom got mad since i was still 16 years old.She left me all alone,my dad died when i was 3years old.I have no siblings,till i met Mika and we became bestfriends.She's the only person i haved,I cant loose her , also Zaira and my baby.I cant let anyone,steal my love ones again. -_-


Who could that be ? Mysterious Person,find out on the next chapter.So stay tuned for more chapters ❤❤ I 'll update soon again hehehe..Annyeong~

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