Chapter Eighteen ~ No ! No !

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Hi,Im back with an update :)) ... I'm sorry for a late update ~ I was busy watching and organizing the activity in our Barangay "MissTeen Apitong 2015" ... So here's my update ! Enjoy ! V O T E


Ziara's Pov

I woke up from the noise downstairs. Ugh! Jinjja ! My brothers are so noisy ! -_- ... Pfft... I woke up and went downstairs.. Finding them crying and fighting.

"Oppa are you okay ?"I asked and they all look at us.. Then Chanyeol oppa came near me.

"Its nothingg ! Just go back now "He said and i listened,so i went back to my room. Whats happening to them ? -__-

I peeked ,of what there talking about .And they started talking .I just keep listening of what there talking.

"Okay! Ziara shouldnt know,that Nico'family died."Suho oppa started talking

What ? Ni—nico's oppa family died. T^T.. I ran downstairs and they where shocked.

"Oppa is that true ?"I asked crying.

"Ne~"Chen oppa said sadly.

I ran to them and hugged them all while crying,they comfort me.. After that,we all eat breakfast silently.

"Oppa can we go to see ,my umma ,appa and unnie"I said they look at each other and nodded.

"Where's Nico Oppa?"I asked.

"USA"Luhan oppa said.

"What ? O.O "I asked.

"His grandma is there,dont worry he's safe there"Lay oppa said and i nodded.

After eating Tao is washing the dishes,while im just sitting in the couch.Then i saw everybody is dressed up now,also me.So i hold chanyeol oppa's hand and rode the van,driving us to Korea Private Cementary.As we arrived,i felt sad and wants to cry,there like my 2nd family. My 2nd Mom,3rd dad,since i have my 12 appas,2nd Unnie,2nd brother.As we arrived at the spot where Nico Oppa's family is buried. I cried and put the flower down and light the candle.

"Umma!"I started crying.

"Appa!"I said while sobbing.

"Noona!"I said.

"Why did you leave me?"I asked crying.

"You cant just leave ! Umma! Appa! Noona!! No! Please"I said shouting crying,then Chanyeol oppa hugged me to calm me down.

"Umma! Appa! Noona! You cant die! I promise,i find who killed you and killed them!!!"I shouted loudly,breaking the peace in the cementary,crying.Then chanyeol oppa patted my back and calm me down.

After visiting,we all went home ,i was alone,sick,sad ,hurt ,not seeing my family.. I didnt eat dinner,didnt came out of my room. THere worried about me.


Short update ! Soory,, please vote.. Thank You

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