×°Comfort, tears, and pain°× pt 2

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Armaros POV

As me and (name) were walking Leyna to the house, many thoughts were running through my head, what was going on with her? My thoughts had stopped once Leyna started to cough violently and stopped walking.

"S-shit this really burns.."


"What do you it by 'it burns'?" (Name) asked her and got her a worried look, Leyna hesitated for a moment before she spoke quietly. "It just burns, likes that lit my throat throat on fire, and my chest feels like I've been stabbed."

She coughed more and hunched over again. "Can we hurry up and get home, I feel like I'm gonna vomit."

"Okay, come here." I sighed and without warning and picked her up, her body tensed up slightly and she was about to protest until I cut her off. "Don't fight it. Let's just get you home so we can help you." Leyna sooner but leans into me still holding onto her throat and chest tightly...this is making me worried like hell.


Armaros' POV

As we got home, I carefully set down Leyna on her feet and as soon I did that she rushed upstairs and into her room, shutting the door behind her.

"What the hell is going with her?" (Name) said and frowns, as they started to pace back and forth. "She's never been like this before for all I know, what's goin-" They were immediately cut off when we heard a loud thud that came from Leyna's room. My eyes widen, me and (name) ran upstairs and busted through the door, only to find her on the floor, holding her mouth.

"What the hell?! What happened?" I asked in a slightly panicked tone and ran to her, crouching down. Leyna didn't say anything and tears were forming in her eyes, she was still holding her mouth. But then I noticed something...I saw dark red liquid trickle down her hand slowly.

"Leyna, remove your hand please."

She shook her head immediately and turned away from me, I gently grabbed her by the shoulders and turned her back towards me. "Please.."

It took her a few seconds before she slowly nodded, she took her time and slowly uncovered her mouth. The moment she did...my heart dropped at the sight.

Her whole mouth was bloody and to make matters worse, all of her teeth was in her hand.

"Lord have mercy.." I muttered quietly to myself, completely shocked at the sight. (Name) walked over to where we were and was about to ask what was wrong until their gaze went onto Leyna's mouth and hand.

"Oh my...I'll be right back, lemme get you a towel." They said and hurried their way of room, I turned back to Leyna, she looked terrified and seemingly lost.

"Come on, let's rinse you mouth out. Do you have a cup of some sort?" I asked, she nodded and pointed over to her nightstand, I nodded and got up, walking over to her nightstand to grab her cup and headed back over to her, I offered her my hand. And she reached up and took her, as I pulled her up, I was now leading her to the bathroom.

"Alright, come on-" I was soon cut up when Leyna pulled me back and was shaking her head making a 'Nu-uh' sounds, why didn't she want me go in there?

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