《{'Normal' Mornings Pt.2}》

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Nobody's POV

Leyna was practically ran for life while holding BB's hat hostage, she liked messing with him just get him mad. It was quite amusing for her. BB on the other hand...found it annoying and was outside near the staircase to go down, then on there other other hand (name) was casually walking out of BB's apartment watching the two with entertainment. They oddly found this interesting let alone funny.

Leyna panted and stopped at the top of the stairs, still holding his hat. BB grinned and ran at her, full on sprinting.

"HA! I got you now!" Leyna then quickly turned her head to see that there were stairs there, she then gasped and shook her head, turning her head back to him.

"Dude, wai-Oof!" He literally pulled a whole ass football tackle on her, he didn't even listen to her.

"Ha! I got you no- Shit!" They both started to Tumble down the stairs pretty fast, and it didn't help since they were on the fourth floor...

(Name) just watched the two fall down the stairs, holding in their laughter. For some odd reason they found this very funny. But as Leyna and BB reached the bottom,finally... with Leyna landing on her stomach and BB landing straight on top of her with his back against hers. They both let out a quiet groan.

(Name) covers their mouth and went down the stairs to reach where they were at.

"S-shit you guys, y'all ok?" (Name) asked, holding in laughter as BB really sat up and moved to sit on Leyna's back, not even acknowledging her or just completely forgot about her.

"We're fine- Actually, I'M fine but I guessing she is too or something.." he replied and grinned innocently as if everything was fine. (Name) snorted and rolled their eyes until they looked down noticing BB was sitting on Leyna who was struggling to get up.

"Uhm, BB?"

"You know speaking of Leyna, where'd she go? I mean, we did fall down the stairs but I don't even if she got up or whatever..."


"She probably already ran off to the café...with my hat."


"What the hell is it?"

"...You're sitting on her." BB gave (name) a confused look before he heard a small groan from underneath him and he looked down.

"Oh, That explains why I felt movement." He stated blanky and got off on her, she immediately got up and took a breathe, feeling relived. "Thank you for FINALLY getting off of me."

"No prob, also...Give my damn hat back!" He grumbled and snatched his hat that was on top if her head, which Leyna smiled shyly and putting her hands behind her back before hiding right behind (name) whom rolled their eyes.

BB puts HIS hat back on his head and sighed, before smiling like nothing happend.

"Now that that's outta the way, y'all want me to drive-"

"Yes." Leyna and (name) both responded at the same time, not even hesitating once. BB just stared at the two before nodding, smiling lightly.

"Heh, alright. But before we get goin' lemme just give my bro a call to see if he wants to tag along" He pulled out his phone and dialed Keith's number and called him, while (name) and Leyna nodded..

"So, while he's doing that whatcha wanna talk about?" (Name) asked and smiled at her, putting their hands in their pockets. Leyna rubbed the back of her head and laughed lightly, shrugging in response.

"Nah, really sure, buddy." She replied and looked up at the sky, thinking. (Name) raised and brow and poked her cheek

"Ya sure?"

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