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Im alive :]

I know I said that I will be posting until I got three chapters done, but since its my birthday I'll give this to you all


Oh, and have this Xingyun fan art I made as my project at school♡



"Go to class, I'll just stop by the café to get some stuff."

Xingqiu sighed, not even bothering to look back at his brother or say goodbye.

He walked straight inside the school until he reached his locker, not even stopping by to apologize to students he bump into on the way.

As soon as he reach his locker he took another sigh,

This is gonna be a long day.
He hopes nothing happen today, he's not in the mood to listen into any gossips, not in the mood to even greet his friends. He's not in the mood, whatever interesting happens today---

"Good morning."

Xingqiu snapped back from his thoughts. He faced to his right and was greeted by an angelic face smiling at him.

His heart fluttered, he could feel his face burning as he quickly looked away and cleared his throat greeting back.

"G-good morning.."
"Are you ok, Xingqiu?"

His heart raced as soon as he heard his name from him.
"Y-yea! Of course I am! Why wouldn't I be? Haha-ha..."
Xingqiu said, smiling at his friend who's looking at him confused.
As they were about to say something the bell rang.

Xingqiu quickly slammed his locker close and started to walk away slowly.
"Well I gotta go! Don't wanna miss the class. See you later, Yun!"

He then quickly left as soon as he said that, leaving his friend dumbfounded.

He hits face with his books cursing at himself.

What was that about??
What kind of greeting was that??
Why did he laugh like that??
Has he lost his mind??
Why did he left him? It could've been a perfect time to talk to him!
Why is he so stupid?!

As soon as he reach his classroom he quickly sat down to his chair as he continued to hit himself at his table.

His two other friends looked at him with knowing looks.
"You think he said something stupid again?"
"Hmm~ Perhaps he actually confessed! And due to humiliation he is now wishing for the earth to bury him~"
"Can you please take this seriously Hu Tao."
"What? It's just a thought."

The blue haired girl sighed, tired of both of her friend's antics. One who has a mad crush on another friend and can't confess, and that said friend is completely clueless. Meanwhile the other one is just here teasing her or the others everytime she gets a chance, not even helping with the situation of the two.

She looked back at her friend who's being miserable at the corner. She stood up with a determined face, "That's it! I'm gonna help them confess to each other one way or another!", she said with her hands on her waist. The brunette clapped at her giving her words of encouragement.

Meanwhile Xingqiu's just staring at his two friends wondering what on earth are they talking about.

*Lunch Time*

'Where on earth are they'

Xingqiu sighed, Xiangling invited him to eat lunch with her and Hu Tao but he can't see either of them anywhere.

Xingqiu looked down at his lunch, contemplating wether he should start eating already or wait for a few more minutes.
He bit his lips opening his lunch slowly.

It won't hurt if he took a small bite, right?

He took his spook and was about to start eating when he heard a familiar voice behind him.


Xingqiu knows that voice. His face turned red, quickly covering his lunch and fixing his hair before turning around.
"Yun! H-hey! Uhm, you out here to eat?"

He facepalmed at his head.
'What kind of question is that?
Of course he's out here to eat!
Its lunch!
Xingqiu what is wrong with you..'

"Uhm yea. Hu Tao invited me to eat lunch with them, they also said you're joining so I decided to join too."
Chongyun said, smiling sheepishly at his friend as he sit down beside him.

"Oh", Xingqiu felt his face warming up,
'He joined because I joined? What's that supposed to mean??'

He cleared his throat smiling back at him.
"That's great! I mean--that's nice, I mean uhm---"

Xingqiu's face turned red
'What is wrong me!
Stop doing that!'

"I-I mean---it's nice to hang out with you again, hehe.."
Chongyun stared at him, completely confused. Xingqiu wanted to bury himself alive! He's not usually like this, he has always hidden his feelings for his friend for quite a while, why is he suddenly acting this way?

"Ah, yes?"

Chongyun got closer to him, staring deeply into his eyes. Xingqiu's heart was beating rapidly that he could hear it.
Chongyun moved a bit more closer towards him as he moved backward.
Xingqiu closed his eyes shut, waiting.

What is he waiting for? He doesn't really know. A kiss perhaps? That's unlikely to happen. A caress on his cheeks? He's not sure.

He sat still, waiting. After a while nothing happened.
He slowly opened his eyes and saw Chongyun still close to him, but he's not looking at Xingqiu anymore. He was looking at his hair. He then felt something falling to his hand.
He looked down and saw a petal on his hand.
He looked back at Chongyun who was smiling at him shyly,
"Sorry..Uhm, there was something on your hair."

Xingqiu's face flushed.
"Yun you idiot.."
He buried his face at Chongyun's neck, who's completely confused.



"Ow! Hu Tao you're tugging my hair!"
"I can't see! Are they hugging? Are they kissing? Oh! Are they planning for marriage?"
"They were just eating lunch."
"What? That's boring. Tsk, those two needs to step up their game."

Xiangling sighed looking back at the two just peacefully eating lunch together.


Alright! That's all for this chapter

I feel like my writing downgraded or something...
Well that's what I get for not writing in months.

Anyways, that is all for this chapter! I hope you guys liked it! See you on the next onee♡♡

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