💙If only We could Freeze Time💙

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Chongyun sighed as he sat down on the bench,

'This is ridiculous... maybe I should back out?'

He thought to himself, staring at the small bouquet of silk flowers he has in hand.
His right leg started to bounce up and down rapidly as he started to get anxious.

He has finally decided to confess to his bestfriend, Xingqiu.

He has finally realized how much he has taken to liking the blue-headed, second son of the manager of the Feiyun Commerce Guild. An avid reader and fan of chivalry, just like what he reads in books, and quite the mischievous fellow.

He would always be playing a trick or two to Chongyun together with another friend of their's, which is the current director of the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor.
Though Chongyun himself found this antics quite troublesome sometimes, he mostly didn't mind at all as it was done by Xingqiu.

Xingqiu's antics is one of the few reasons the aspiring exorcist have taken a liking on him.

Another sigh escaped Chongyun's lips as his mind started to wander off, thinking how he would even execute this little confession of his. 

He was too occupied on planning and formulating the words he wanted to say on his head, he didn't notice that the one he was waiting for has finally arrived.


A familiar voice called out to him.

Chongyun snapped out of his thoughts and his gaze darted upwards, now looking at the boy he had admired so much.
He tensed up and stared at Xingqiu for a while, taking in how beautiful he looks under the sunlight.

"What's wrong? Is there something on my face?"

The latter asked in a confused tone as Chongyun continued to stare.
Chongyun tensed up once again as he heard the question. He stood up and shook his head quickly, cheeks slightly red from embarrassment.

"N-No. You look... nice.."

He muttered, looking down on his feet, but would then steal a few glances at Xingqiu.
There was a moment of silence between the two for a while, which was then cut off by the two talking in unison.

"I have something to tell you."
"I have something to tell you..."

The two stared at each other for a while, then broke into a small fit of laughter.

"Y-you can go first."

Chongyun suggested with a small smile as he admired Xingqiu's smiling face, and the sound of his laughter.

"No no, you may go first my liege."

Xingqiu replied with a small smile,
Chongyun shook his head and insisted on Xingqiu to talk first.

After a few minutes of convincing, Xingqiu was finally the one who would be talking first.

Xingqiu stared at Chongyun for a while, looking anxious as he started to fiddle with his fingers.
Chongyun noticed this and started to get anxious himself, and also worried for him. As he was about to ask if his friend's alright, Xingqiu finally talked,


my father has set me up into an engagement.... 
with one of his business partner's daughter.."

Xingqiu muttered, looking tense than ever as he stared at his best friend, waiting for his response.

If only We could Freeze Time•||•Xingyun•||•OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now