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This is just a made up one shot, on how the two met. I don't know if there's a canon one from the game on how the two really met since I don't read my character's voicelines and stories much...

•||•Child/Younger Xingyun•||


"Xingqiu? Where are you going?" Ignoring his brother and running past by him, Xingqiu frantically unlocked the door and sprinted outside without looking back.
Tears falling down his cheeks making his vision blurry. He wiped his tears away not wanting to look weak and helpless if ever someone would notice him.

Xingqiu got into a bit of a fight/misunderstanding with his father. He wanted to go outside and play, read story books instead of those books that his father keeps nagging him to read so that he would know how to be a proper noble.

After hours of running, Xingqiu slowed down and quickly turned into a complete halt. His small figure can't bare to stand after running for an hour or so, that he collapsed to the ground, barely keeping his eyes open.

Fluttering his eyes open, Xingqiu was met by a white ceiling. He could hear the rain, softly pouring down outside, he could hear the fire cracking, and the sound like someone's cooking something, from outside the room.
He figured that his dad, brother or one of their servants must've caught up to him.

Heaving out a sigh, Xingqiu carefully sat up from the bed.
Just as he was about to reach for one of his books which is placed at the table beside his bed, he noticed that the room he's in seems quiet different from his room.
Looking around the whole room and rubbing his eyes, he realized-----he's not in his room! He's not at home!

Panicking and not knowing what to do, a sudden opening of the door startled him. Looking towards the door, he was met by a young boy, probably around the same age as him.
His hair's in a lighter shade of blue that contradicts Xingqiu's own, pretty long eyelashes that has the same color of his hair. He has a pale skin and ice-blue cat slit eyes.

The young boy slowly walked towards him with a sign of relief in his face and settled down the food he has at the table beside the bed. Xingqiu stared at him and watched every action that he made. He's somehow mesmerized by the features of the young boy.

The said male faced him once again and reached his hand out towards Xingqiu's forehead, as if checking his temparature. Afterwards he nodded and carefully gave the soup he got to Xingqiu, warning him that he should be careful because it's quiet hot. Xingqiu thanked him and slowly ate the food.
Finishing the food, he gave the bowl back at the young boy and thanked him once again. The young boy then gave him water and a medicine.

"I have bumped into you, passed out, so I thought you were sick. It also started raining on our way here so it's better for you to take the medicine incase you are not feeling quiet well." He explained when Xingqiu gave him a confused look when he got the medicine.
Aftee hearing the explanation, he just shrugged it off and did what he's told, making a funny face after tasting the bitter medicine.

After that, the young boy took the glass from him and slowly headed outside the room. Just as he reached the door Xingqiu stopped him,
"I'm sorry... but I haven't caught your name yet?"
The young man's face turned red due to embarrassment after realizing that he just brought some stranger inside his house and took care of them without even knowing their name.
He cleared his throat and introduced himself,
"I am Chongyun, an excorcist. Though, still learning...Ehem! And... um... you are?"
Xingqiu gave him a sweet smile,
"I am Xingqiu, pleasure to meet you. I am one of the people of the Guhua Clan."
"Guhua Clan? Sounds..... fancy...?"
Xingqiu laughed at Chongyun's remark, with Chongyun giving him a confused look.

Xingqiu looked outside the window. The rain has stopped, clouds slowly being drifted away, as the sun shines outside.
Xingqiu sighed, he looked around the room he stayed for a couple of hours, then slid himself out of bed.
After fixing the bed, he slowly went out of the room, carefully checking around the house.

On his way towards the door, to leave the house, he was once again met by Chongyun.
"Oh, Xingqiu! You're up. Are you feeling ok? Better? If not you can stay and rest here for a little bit more?"
"I'm feeling better than ever! Thank you dear Chongyun. I will remember this... um... help that you've given me. If ever you need help... I... umm..."

"Xingqiu... why are you always replying with such complicated sentences?" Chongyun asked, slightly tilting his head to the side.
Xingqiu sighed,
"That's how I would always speak to my dad. If I ever speak normally, like how we're talking right now, he would scold me by saying that that's not how I'm supposed to speak to elderly and other people. Because that's not how noble people talk..."
Letting out another sigh, Xingqiu felt a hand on his shoulder.

Looking up, Chongyun gave him a smile.
"Don't worry, I don't quiet understand what a noble is, but you don't have to use such complicated words when with me. You seem to be having a hard time with it so feel free to talk to me like how ordinary people talk."
Xingqiu gave him a smile and hugged him, Chongyun hugging him back, although kinda confused.

Xingqiu and Chongyun ended up walking around the whole Liyue Harbor, just chatting with each other and looking at the stores.
Although, the fun didn't last long because Xingqiu's brother found him, after looking for him the whole day and quickly took him home.

The next day though, Xingqiu and his father had visited Chongyun and Xingqiu's dad allowed them to play around for the whole day as a 'thank you' for taking care of Xingqiu when he ran away.


That is all for this one shot ^^

I hope you guys liked it!!

See you all at the next one ^^

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