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•||• Modern AU•||•

"Xingqiu." The feeling of something on the top of his head and hearing a very familiar voice call out his name,
Xingqiu looked up then stared at his brother, as if asking him what he needs. (I kid you not, I really wanna know what his brother looks like--- if ever it's shown in his story quest or anything pls tell me. I must've missed it ;;)

"Your boyfriend's here." His brother said removing the book from his head then went upstairs.
Xingqiu just stared into space thinking who his "boyfriend" is.

He stood up then fixed his things, carrying them slowly upstairs to continue his studies there, ignoring whatever his brother just told him.
Just as he took a step in the stairs, one of the servants called him.
"Master Xingqiu, Master Chongyun's outside in the garden waiting for you. He says that you two are supposed to do a project."

Xingqiu suddenly felt completely awake. He processed what the servant has told him then frantically ran outside to the garden, ignoring the fact that his things are falling everywhere.

"Oh! Xingqiu, you're finally awake--"
"H-how--How long have you been waiting...?" Xingqiu interrupted gasping for air.
"Not too long. Your brother told me you were sleeping when I arrived, so I had to wait for a few minutes or so."
Chongyun explained with a smile on his face, helping his friend up.

Xingqiu sat down at the bench beside him. Letting Chongyun fix his stuff.
After a few minutes,
Xingqiu sat straight, cleared his throat then sheepishly smiled at his friend.
"I'm sorry for making you wait Yun. I fell asleep in the middle of studying. I must've been too tired.. Ehehe~"
He explained scratching the back of his neck.
"Well, let's start doing our project for History shall we? I'll do the powerpoint on this lesson while you do the other. Clear?" Xingqiu explained, once he regained his composure.
Chongyun only nodded at him while he started to type down the notes he took a while ago.

Chongyun stared at Xingqiu.
He looks a bit pale than usual, and he don't seem very energetic today.
Chongyun knows, that they have to be serious on this because of the grade but even in this times, Xingqiu still tease him.

He's very quiet...
He just woke up of course he's quiet.
But he's too quiet, he also seemed pale.
Is he sick?
He mentioned that he's tired didn't he?

This thoughts were running around in Chongyun's head. Clearly worried about his best friend.

"-yun? Chongyun, hello? Is everything alright?"
Xingqiu asked, concerned about his friend.

Chongyun closed his laptop, he looked at Xingqiu dead in the eyes with his hands on Xingqiu's cheeks.
Xingqiu's faced turned red, surprised with his friend's sudden action.
"I-is something wrong Yun? D-did you ate a Jueyun Chili, or did Xi-Xiangling feed you one?"

Xingqiu's too flustered that he can't even get to talk properly.
He's eyes are fixed into Chongyun's own eyes, he could feel his face burning. He tried to move but for some reason, his body won't move.

After a few minutes, Xingqiu opened his mouth, about to speak when he was suddenly interrupted.

"Xingqiu it's almost sundown, invite your little "friend" inside-- Oh---"
Xingqiu and Chongyun's eyes widened by hearing Xingqiu's elder brother's voice.

The three just stared at each other for a while when Xingqiu suddenly bursted out---
"I-It's not what it looks like!" He tried to explain, Chongyun nodding beside him.
His brother only looked at them with a straight face.
"I was just---"
"He was just---"
"I was checking on Xingqiu-- h-he just seem q-quiet today.."

The two fell silent. Praying inside their heads that Xingqiu's brother won't do anything.
The said male chuckled as he approached the two then messed with their hair.

"You two are too obvious. Whatever. Just as I was saying, it's sundown, you two go inside and continue your little "project" there." He said as he walked away, making some quote sign.

Xingqiu yelled at his brother throwing a notebook at him.


I'm aliiiiveeeeee \^○^/

I might make a part 2 of this-- who knows? Also I did this at class ;;

I hope you guys liked this chapter ^^
See you all on the next one ^^

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