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Modern/Highschool AU


"A date?" Tilting their heads to the side, both Xingqiu and Chongyun looked at their friend with a confused gaze.

"Yes! A date! The festival is a few days away, so clearly you need a date there! Haven't you noticed all the preparations being held for it?" Xiangling exclaimed. Waving her chopsticks around as she explains.

Apparantly, there would be a festival being held at Liyue High.
(can't think of any name sorry ;;)
But its not just any normal festival, it's a celebration held every year just for the one who built the school. The students, even the teachers haven't met him yet, just heard his voice every special occassions and announcement. They also don't know what his real name is. All they know is that he built this school and he owns it, and all they call him is Rex Lapis.
(You can say that its somewhat like the Rite of Parting, but no Rex Lapis being "dead")

Back to our group of friends, Xiangling kept talking about the said event, saying how excited she is. While Chongyun and Xingqiu just continued to eat their lunch peacefully.

Although it might seem that they are not bothered about the festival, they actually are.
Not the actual festival of course, but the idea on how to ask one another.

*After School*

With a sigh, Chongyun packed his things, head still wondering on how to ask his friend out for the festival.

He shook his head,

'Why would he even have to think that hard just to ask a friend to hang out? Come one they hang out every time, and ask him everytime. What's the difference on asking him for the festival?'

Walking outside the school gates, Chongyun noticed his friend saying goodbye to a couple of friends then entering the car where he use to go to school and back home.
As the car drove by, Chongyun followed it with his gaze. Following it until it disappears from his sight.
With a sigh, he proceeded to walk back home.

*At the Guhua Residence, specifically at Xingqiu's room*

Xingqiu mindlessly flipped the pages of the book he's trying to read. His head and thoughts are too occupied to read each and every letter in the book.

With a tired sigh, he closed his book and put it to his desk. Flopping down, mind still running about what he and his friends talked about earlier.

"Yes! A date! The festival is a few days away, so clearly you need a date there!"

"Aaaah! Why is this so hard!" Letting out a frustrated sigh, Xingqiu rolled around his bed, with frustrated muttering about the said suppose to have date, by one of his friends.

*The next day*

"Today's the day!"

That's what's on their mind. Today, is the day where our two friends would confess--- I mean--- just, ask each other out to hang out with them for the festival.

By lunch time, the two have agreed to have a little talk with each other, by the school garden.

With the clock striking twelve, the two rushed to the said meeting place.

Taking a deep breathe,

"So, uhh... I have to ask you something." The conversation being lead by Chongyun.
"Oh, well. Me too."
"How about you go first?"
"Oh, no. Its fine, you go first."
"No, its ok go ahead."
"No, no my friend you go ahead."

"How about we just ask at the same time?" -Xingqiu
"Agreed" -Chongyun

"Ok.. one... two.. three-- Will you go to the festival with me?"

After a short silence the two suddenly bursted into a fit of laughter.

"Ahahaha, haha.. um... so... um... will you?" Chongyun questioned, a bit nervous after recovering.

Looking up at his friend, Xingqiu gave him a soft smile. Reaching out to his friend's cheeks, giving it a little rub with his thumb, he chuckled,

"I will always go out with you. No matter what and where it is. As long as my Chongyun's there, I'm coming."


Y'all this is really cute ;;

I'm crying ;;

Anyways! I hope you guys liked this one! I hope you enjoyed reading it, thank you so much for reading and I hope you guys would still be reading the next chapters.


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