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  This idea was given/requested by Aurora0174, thank you so much for the request I really appreciate it ^^



"I saw it last time, while I was planting some silk flowers. It would steal some from my basket, which I don't mind since it only takes a few. But yesterday, I saw it---plucked them out of my garden. Just as I was about to shoo it away it suddenly disappeared! Ah, what a pain."
"Ah, that happened to my silk flowers too. It's been happening for weeks! Its a good thing I catched that thief! He almost got away with my silk flowers!"

Xingqiu's ears perked up when he heard some of the villagers of Qingce Village talking about an adepti, causing quite a trouble to some of the villagers, specially to those who plants some silk flowers.
As he continued to listen to the villagers' gossips, he heard his father mutter.
"Hmm, if this kept going on, the stock of silk flowers would drop and this poor villagers won't be able to sell anything for a living."
An idea suddenly clicked into Xingqiu's head,
"Ehem--If you don't mind Father, I would like to investigate about this adepti who's causing quite a trouble to the villagers." he told his father, trying to appear not too curious about the subject.
His father paused on drinking his tea, he looked at his son, trying to get any hint of what he's up to. Getting nothing, he sighed and continue to drink his tea.
"I suppose I could let you... *sigh* Very well, I would let you investigate about this adepti," Xingqiu's face brightened with excitement, his thoughts full of imaginations on what the adepti might look like. He's really fascinated about this kinds of stuff, due to all the books he's reading about them. He always wanted to meet one---well he already did, the top lawyer of Liyue is an adeptus and he met her once or twice due to some---personal matters.
But he really want to see them in their adepti form. Fascinated with how they look like in such form.

While Xingqiu's daydreaming about this adeptis, he heard his father cleared his throat, seeing that his son's off to another world of his own again.
Xingqiu quickly composed himself and tried to listen to his father,
"I would let you investigate about this adepti, but---- in one condition, you will take Xu with you." Just as Xingqiu's about to protest his father quickly shut him.
"If you wish for my approval you must do what I say." Xingqiu sighed in defeat, nodding at his father's words.


"Master Xingqiu, forgive my persistence, but I really don't think this adeptus that the villagers are talking about is here." Xu, one of the servants of the Feiyun Commerce Guild, specifically Xingqiu's, tried to reason out to his master for the third time.

The two are at Wuwang Hill. Xingqiu figured that the adeptus is there, or perhaps live there, given the fact that it's quite close to the village.
"Worry not my dear friend, my instincts are usually correct, we will find the adepti. But, if you really insist on leaving, you could just let me venture on my own?"
Xingqiu told him, giving the man a small cheeky smile.
His servant knew that smile, and if his master's giving that smile, meaning he's up to no good---atleast, that's what he thinks, since everytime Xingqiu would give him that mischievous smile and look, he always ends up causing some trouble.
Xu sighed, defeated, as he followed Xingqiu deeper into the mountain.

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