Chapter 37

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Haneul is absolutely incredible.

He makes sure to prove that to you on every date and it's not him doing it purposely. It's you who thinks that every time you laugh, smile or just look at him being him. He's become a person you talk to all the time, even if it's just simple text messages, and has become a constant person you hang out whenever you get the chance.

Ever since Friday happened, you exchanged your numbers in hope of your date, he has shown you how much interested he is in you. He even texted you if you got home safely that night and ever since then, you've been texting nonstop. And by nonstop you mean exactly that, the whole Sunday full of you being on your phone texting him as you planned out your date which happened the next day.

Monday. Your first official date. It was simple, just the right for your first date as you got the chance to know him even better, this time without your friends' prying eyes and loud music surrounding you. He took you on a nice dinner, the only right time in your schedule considering you had work that day. You had an hour or so to make yourself look more presentable, trying to freshen up and cover the tiredness off your face.

The dinner was nice, he paid even though you insisted on splitting up the bill. You felt bad, knowing he had a part-time job in a bookstore nearby his college. Haneul insisted, stopping you before you could voice out your concern and distracted you by taking you for a walk alongside Han River.

It was so romantic with the moonlight and street lights, his fingers intertwined with yours as he gave you a shy smile trying to hide his blush. As much as you were shy the first time you held hands, you felt like it's even bigger deal for him as he confessed you couldn't leave his mind after he first met you. He confirmed Yejun's words of him coming to the club in a hope to see you there.

"I'm not a stalker, I promise," he laughed sheepishly that night, "I told my friends about you and they wouldn't let me live ever since, so they would purposely drag my ass there but I can't say I didn't want to go because I wanted to see you again." He told you, your heart warming immediately as you told him that's very sweet and cute of him.

He's more reserved than his friends and if it weren't for you, he would decline their constant nagging of going partying. But he admitted that he doesn't regret going because it means he'd probably never met you.

That night you had your first kiss.

Every day from Monday, no matter how much you were tired from your work and Haneul busy with studying and attending class, you've always made the time for each other. Went out on dates, from going to watch a movie in the cinema to another dinner. It doesn't really matter where he took you, all that matters was just two of you being two cute people having dates.

Haneul, originally from China but he and his parents moved to Korea when he was five, has stolen your heart and you couldn't say no when he asked you on your fourth date to be his girlfriend. That night you invited him to your place and opened a bottle of wine while talking and watching the movie, cuddling on your couch.

Kisses became much more intense and not just as innocent as before. Making out has become an act that happened on a daily basis as soon as you were safely in your apartment, the only place where you could be alone since Haneul lives in a rented apartment with two of his roommates. He proved to be even more controlled, not letting his hands linger on your skin for too long until you had to take his hands and put them on your ass while you were making out, sitting on his lap.

With Haechan, you moved naturally as things felt right and you feel like you were mostly affected by the curiosity of intimacy, so you wanted to take things further each time you spent together.

But now that you're dating Haneul, you knew more about those things and explored just enough that you became the person to guide him. From what he told you on one of your dates while you were talking about your and his exes, he had only one girlfriend before you and apparently it wasn't anything serious. And that one time you were making out on your couch again, grinding against each other to drive away that thirst, he confessed that he never had sex apart from blowjobs in his previous relationship.

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