Chapter 22

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"Good work today, guys. The photos ended up amazing." Junho praises everyone as he holds the door for you and everyone else.

Thanking him, you walk beside your colleague who's got a frown settled on his face despite how amazingly this day went. "He barely lifted a finger today." Yoongi grumbles quietly, causing you to snort as you shush him.

"Shh, he's gonna hear you." you scold him.

Junho is a supervisor, making sure everything runs smoothly without him even lifting up a finger, just like Yoongi said. He's not a bad man, he just likes his position and forgets that the only reason he got it, is because his daddy knows the CEO of the modeling agency you work for. It often leads to him barking orders whenever something gets wrong. The work is stressful, not just for you or for him, but for everyone. But it doesn't give him the right to be rude. However, whenever something doesn't go wrong and quite the opposite, he's a complete sweetheart praising everyone. Just like what he's doing right now.

"I don't care," he mutters, shrugging his shoulders nonchalantly as you're walking down the stairs. "Is that your boyfriend?"

You lift your head up, eyes dancing across the parking lot before you find Jungkook leaning against his car. Just like he promised, he's here to pick you up. His head is tilted to the side, jaw locked in place as a neutral frown adorns his usually soft features. He doesn't see you yet, and you're momentarily distracted by his tattooed sleeve and one of his tight black shirt that's doing a justice to his buffed out chest. Black ripped jeans shows his muscular thighs perfectly, almost making your jaw drop but you're quickly reminded that you're in public. Your colleagues' giggles are sending you back to reality and you let out a small cough, before you shake your head.

"No," you answer, ready to add that in fact, Jungkook is your best friend, but you're forgotten to say it when he turns his head and looks at you.

His frown disappears and he gives you a smile as he waves at you. Chuckling, you look at Yoongi who seems to be eyeing Jungkook before he glances at you.

"See you tomorrow?" you ask, already taking a slow steps towards Jungkook, backing away from Yoongi who gives you a nod.

"Try not to miss me." he grumbles, causing you to snort at his dry humor.

"I wouldn't dream of it." you scoff, giving him a wave which of course, he doesn't return but still nods his head in a silent greeting.

Typical Yoongi.

With each step you take towards Jungkook, his smile turns to a smirk as he drapes his arm over the top of his car. "Hey, baby." he jokes, causing you to roll your eyes as you poke him in ribs.

He barely budges, poking you back as you squeak and frown at him. He pulls you closer, your heels making you stumble against his chest but he holds you tightly. Before you can react, he kisses you causing your eyes to widen but you allow yourself to melt into the kiss, especially when he grabs your cheeks softly. As he pulls away, he nudges your nose with his own and you gasp when you're remembered where you are.

"Jungkook!" you whisper shout at him, turning around to check if anyone saw.

Of course, there's Min Yoongi standing beside his white Toyota with an arched brow, staring right back at you.


"What?" Jungkook calls out innocently, eyes glancing at your colleague that's already getting into his car.

"Why did you kiss me?" you scold him when he turns his head back to you, facing you with a confused frown before his features soften and he looks innocently again.

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