Chapter 13 

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Walking through another crowd of people, Jungkook finally manages to find Hoseok along with Taehyung and Jimin, just like Kiko told him. Jimin spots Jungkook approaching right away, waving him over which gains Hoseok's and Taehyung's attention.

Jungkook snorts at the sight of Taehyung's full cheeks, puffed out with a donut while the remaining dough is in his hand. He gives Jungkook a sheepish look, grabbing one of the napkins as he pats his lips with it.

"Hey, we were just talking about a little getaway and a camping trip came up as an idea. What do you think?" Jimin beams, eyes shiny with the idea of spending some free time with his friends.

Jimin is very social person and likes to hang out with everyone, so naturally, whenever someone mentions a trip he's the one who's most excited and all for it.

"Yeah, sounds good," Jungkook mutters, barely paying attention to his friend as his eyes are settled on Hoseok.

Jimin almost pouts, shoulders dropping in defeat at Jungkook's dry response and the lack of enthusiasm.

"Can I talk to you?" he asks Hoseok, ignoring Jimin and Taehyung suspiciously glancing at each other.

"Sure." Hoseok shrugs in response, showing no sign of nervousness or discomfort. Not even a little bit of shock by the sudden presence of his friend that seems to be too eager to talk.

"Alone," he adds, eyeing his friends who stare at him with a confusion. "Would you mind guys?" he asks them, eyes hinting that he'll explain later.

They understand, nodding right away as they scurry to another table full of deserts.

"What's this about?" Hoseok asks, brows furrowed as he stares at Taehyung's and Jimin's distanced figures.

"You tell me," Jungkook sighs, glancing at his friend who looks at him. "Why are you acting so weird?"

He's not even sure how can he properly put out the right question. He hates confrontations and he hates that it's happening with Hoseok of all people.

"Care to elaborate?" he asks, raising a brow at him.

"You know what I'm talking about, Hobi," Jungkook sighs, irritated that he needs to be more specific with him. "You keep acting weird towards Y/N."

"I've barely even talked to her!" he exclaims, brows furrowed at Jungkook.

"Yeah, but you keep glaring at her at every chance you get. For fucks sake, even I noticed that. You really make her uncomfortable, I thought you had nothing against her. You were friendly when I introduced her to you."

Fuck, he's starting to have a headache.

"She was your best friend back then." he mutters, but loud enough for Jungkook to hear.

He feels a little bit offended by Hoseok's remark.

"What does it matter?"

"It matters," Hoseok says through clenched teeth, hiding his hands in the pockets of his black slacks. "Because now she's your girlfriend." he cringes at that, looking at Jungkook who stares at him dumbfounded.

"You like her or what?" he scrunches his brows in confusion, watching Hoseok's eyes widen.

"What? No!"

"Then what the heck is your problem?" he asks bluntly, no hint of anger in his voice but a pure confusion.

"How could you've moved on so quickly after the breakup with Kiko? And you chose Y/N of all people, your best friend that you swore you'd never date."

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