Chapter 31 

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The October cold air hits Jungkook's cheeks like a slap to his face, nor does he need it judging by the beating heart that hammers harshly in his chest. He can't remember the last time he was this nervous, probably on their first date as he wanted everything to go perfect and smoothly. And it went, beyond his expectations actually. However, he's not sure about this time because he has no idea how today will end up.

And he's just minutes from finding it.

With each step he takes inside the restaurant, he feels like he could throw up onto the luxurious polished floor. For now, he tries to swallow down the lump that sits uncomfortably in his throat as a waitress welcomes him. The words about his reservation leave his mouth automatically, he barely puts any mind in what he's saying other than mentioning his name and the fact he made a reservation for tonight. The waitress smiles at him, completely oblivious to his racing heart and mind as she guides him through the restaurant. She says something to him but he doesn't pay any attention to her, he can't because his eyes are focused elsewhere until they stop on her.

The waitress shows him his seat, informing them something about her coming back in a few minutes when they'll decide on their order. But Jungkook barely acknowledges her, slowly sitting down as if the seat should burn him while his eyes don't leave Kiko.

He can't believe his own eyes. Not just because she's gorgeous like she's always been, or that her hair is shorter than he has ever seen on her. But her sitting in front of him, on the other side of the circled square table after two months of trying to meet up with her is certainly something different. It seems like her visiting her family in Japan has benefited her. The other times he's seen her, like at Seokjin's wedding or the camping trip, there was something in her eyes that he knew was wrong. And he got that answer.

It was guilt all along.

However, she smiles brightly at the waitress and thanks her with a bow, her whole face beaming from the natural glow that she's holding. At first, for someone not knowing her so well, someone would've thought that she doesn't feel as nervous or guilty anymore. Jungkook knows better though. Thus, her eyes flickering to him from the opposite side of the table and the sudden change in them tells him otherwise. She tucks a piece of hair behind her ear, giving him a weak and somehow shaky smile in return.

She's nervous.

Just like Jungkook that feels like his hands are already so sweaty that he ends up wiping them against the black slacks he's wearing.

"You're early," Jungkook starts, voice surprisingly confident but soft at the same time.

He wanted to make sure he's earlier than Kiko, just to have enough time to prepare himself for something he's been thinking and preparing for months. And maybe chug a glass of wine before she arrives to ease up his nerves and the possible outcome of tonight's night, because he doesn't know what to expect. But nothing could prepare him for tonight.

Attentive as always, he picked out one of the best restaurants — the one they used to come for dinner dates because the food is delicious. Jungkook thought that maybe picking up a familiar place would bring at least some kind of comfort. Although, he's not sure about that because none of that is on his mind right now.

"Yes," Kiko chuckles, the soft sound coming out shakily as she's looking at Jungkook.

He can tell she spent more time on her makeup than usual, the eyeliner making her eyes bigger and if he leaned closer, he'd see the soft peach eyeshadow coating her lids. There's no point of denying that she's beautiful, whether she wears makeup or not.

"I was nervous, actually I still am," she admits, and Jungkook mentally agrees with her because yes, he feels the same and can relate to that. "You came early too."

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