Chapter 9

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"I'm telling you. He knows." you tell your best friend, placing the cup of coffee in front of him with a thud.

You've spent a good hour, overthinking and replaying the date the same night you went to sleep. It happened three days ago, and you still find yourself thinking about Hoseok's suspicious eyes that affected you more than you would've ever thought. It's only right to voice out your thoughts with Jungkook and that's what you've been doing for the past ten minutes.

But the guy is completely careless, browsing through his huge camera to observe the photos he's taken.

"Yeah, well. Your acting is terrible." he mutters, tilting his head as he tries to take a better look at one of the photos.

"What?" you glare at him. "I was totally doing okay!" you exclaim, kind of annoyed he just hinted that it's your fault without actually saying it.

"'I've never thought you guys would end up together' 'neither of us did'," he mimics your and Hoseok's voices before he looks up from his camera. "And you practically jumped when I kissed you. It was suspicious enough." he declares, but his tone isn't accusing or completely rude.

He's just simply stating the facts, but that doesn't mean you don't feel annoyed.

"What was wrong about that? I just simply told him that we couldn't believe it either. And you can't just kiss me out of nowhere, I wasn't prepared." you childishly tell him, plopping next to him as your eyes catch a photo of a female model with flower field behind her.

A gentle sigh leaves Jungkook's mouth, before he turns off his camera and safely places it onto your coffee table.

"You're my girlfriend now, you can't jump whenever I touch you."

Fuck. You know that, yet you can't help it. It's only natural of your body to react that way. It's been awhile since you've been touched that way, or even kissed. Plus, this is your best friend you're talking about. Never in your dreams you would've thought, you'd be in this position kissing your best friend. He kisses so fucking good, another reason that shocks you every time he takes the first step and presses those soft lips against yours.

"Fake girlfriend." you point out, having a feeling like you should declare that.

"Whatever," Jungkook rolls his eyes, reaching for the coffee before he takes a sip and places it back onto the previous spot. "I know this might not be comfortable, considering that we're best friends and all. But if you feel uncomfortable, just tell me. We don't have to do this."

The look he gives you, full of affection and worry is enough to make your heart warm, shooting straight to your lips that stretch into a little smile.

"No, I'm fine with it. I was just surprised, that's all," you assure him, although you're not sure he believes you when he looks away onto his lap with a tired sigh. "Kook, I promise. I just need to get used to you kissing me."

His eyes snap to yours, a puzzled look on his face while he processes your words. Knowing him, he probably thinks of possible ways how to solve this and won't stop until you're no longer surprised or jumpy whenever he touches you. That's why he thought you're uncomfortable, it's the least how he'd want to make you feel. He'd stop immediately if he knew that the reason behind your reactions is you being uncomfortable.

But that's not the case and you feel like an asshole for making it seem that way. Your reasoning is understandable, he knows that.

"Should we kiss?"

"What? Now?" you ask him confusingly.

"Yeah, you might get more comfortable with me kissing and touching you." he explains simply with a nonchalant shrug.

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