Chapter 30 

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There's already chattering and the smell of coffee lingering in the air by the time you're coming down the stairs. The kitchen is already occupied by Jungkook's parents and Jungkook himself as they greet you cheerfully.

"Ah, good morning!" Mrs. Jeon beams as soon as she sees you walking into the kitchen, causing Jungkook and his father to look up from their cups.

"Good morning." you smile, looking at Jungkook who gives you a wink before he hides a smirk behind the cup as he takes another sip, muttering 'morning'.

Just like he said, he was gone before you or anyone woke up. He sneaked downstairs before his parents, more like his mother, could notice. You slept so well that he didn't even wake you up while going back downstairs, but that had to be because of how tired you were. You feel sorry for sleeping so late, noticing everyone's already awake and ready for the day. Thank god you made yourself a human again before coming downstairs.

"Coffee or tea, sweetheart? I'm making us breakfast, not sure what you like but Jungkook told us you're probably okay with anything."

You smile at Mrs. Jeon's kindness, not surprised by her hospitality but it still makes your heart warm.

"Tea is perfect and yes, I'm okay with anything." you smile, sitting down next to Jungkook as he gives you a little nudge while wiggling his brows.

"Slept well?" he asks, the mischief underlying in his tone which goes completely unnoticed by his father that looks up from the newspaper at you, nothing but curiosity evident on his face.

This little shit.

"Yes," you choke out, smiling nervously at Jungkook's father who just gives you a quirk of his lips before he sips from his morning coffee. "How did you sleep Jungkook? Was the couch nice?" you ask, pursing your lips at your best friend that looks dumbfounded for a second and even gives you a tiny glare.

Mr. Jeon chuckles underneath his breath but doesn't react further, probably thinking the two of you are just teasing each other like two siblings, reminding him of all the times Jungkook and Jungwon used to tease each other, even during breakfast.

"Very." he grits through his teeth, the amusement dancing in his eyes.

Before he can say something else, Mrs. Jeon is already hovering over the two of you and serving you scrambled eggs for breakfast. "See, Jungkookie. It wasn't so bad, was it?" she says, pushing Jungkook's buttons without even realizing it as you snicker underneath your breath, feeling the side glare he's giving you.

He grumbles something in return, agreeing with her before everyone's breakfast is served and ready to be eaten. To be honest, Mrs. Jeon has given you such a big serving that it makes your eyes widen at the amount on your plate. There's no way you'll be able to eat it all.

"I'll eat it after you if you won't be able to finish it." Jungkook mutters softly, noticing the look that you're giving the plate and also, he knows you're not a huge eater when it comes to mornings.

You prefer lunch and dinner. You don't like to stuff your stomach in the morning, you usually grab a fruit or something that's quick and not so heavy on the stomach.

The breakfast goes smoothly, few chatters here and there until the topic of today's plans is being mentioned and Jungkook jumps to say that the two of you are invited to Jungwon's house.

"Is Haru fine? He said she was having fevers." Mrs. Jeon says, clearly voicing out her worry when it comes to her first and only grandchild.

"He texted me this morning, she's fine. Her teeth must've been growing." Jungkook answers, before taking a bite.

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