chapter 25

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The anticipation of Jungkook's arrival is nerve-racking and you almost feel like you could throw up any second. It gets even worse when a message from him comes, notifying you of his presence in the parking lot in front of the building you work at. Your nerves don't ease up even when Jungkook greets you with his usual sweet smile, waiting for you to buckle up before he drives out of the parking lot.

"How was your day?" he asks, lowering the volume of the radio to hear you better.

"Weird, I don't really wanna talk about it," you murmur truthfully. "How was yours?"

You notice the faint frown that settles on his face, but he doesn't pry and respects your decision of not wanting to talk about your day. It makes you feel like an ass, but you'd have to mention Yoongi and his remarks that are still making your blood boil. But it's not his fault, you know there's some truth to his spying, even if he denies to call it that way. Well, stalking it was. There's no point talking about it now, you want to talk about it in more private and comfortable setting than in Jungkook's car, even though something tells you it doesn't matter because it won't be comfortable. At least for you. There are hundreds of thoughts that keep running inside your mind, creating different scenarios before Jungkook even has something to say.

"Good, I hung out with Jimin for awhile," he tells you, taking a right turn.

Your eyes fall down onto his tattooed knuckles, the year of his mother's birth date, and the veins peaking beneath his skin that slowly disappears underneath his shirt. Goddamn tattoos. You still remember him showing you them, your mouth dropping how many of them he got at once. It just assured you that this man is crazy and spontaneous, although he did mention tattoos couple of times. You just didn't think he'd had them done in a few weeks after he reveled his interest of getting some. Not just one, but couple of them.

"Oh, your stuff is in the back." he informs, speeding up a bit as you turn back and see a plastic bag sitting on the back seat.

Your heart warms immediately, touched by Jungkook's willingness to buy your very much needed toiletries.

"You're the best," you smile, seeing him glancing at you as he gives you a bunny grin, appreciating your praise like the little kid he is deep inside. "Seriously, Kook. Thank you." you tell him, admiring his features as the sun is settling down and creates a beautiful orange shade on his face.

"Anything for you." he grins, biting at his lower lip at the same time.

There's no need to put too much attention to his words, you know in a way he's just teasing but telling the truth at the same time. The atmosphere isn't uncomfortable, quite the opposite actually, and it only warms your heart again when you realize he's telling the truth. Whatever you need, he's probably the only person who would just shrug and say 'okay, let's do it' or 'I wanna help'. Jungkook is the kindest person you've ever met, yet he's prideful and never asked you or anyone for help, handling most stuff all by himself just because he was scared to ask for help. Maybe not scared exactly, but he's not the type of person to do that. It surprised you when he came up with the idea of you pretending to be his girlfriend, just so he can win his ex girlfriend back. It sounds crazy, but you know where he was coming from. None of you thought things would escalate like this. With Kiko's cheating, you've no idea what Jungkook's intentions are and if he really craves for her the same way like he did in the beginning. He told you he loves her, you know that even without him telling you that, but he haven't spoken anything about wanting her back. The cheating news have thrown him off and he never brought it up again. At this point, you've no idea what he's thinking.

When Jungkook asked you for a help the first time, the idea seemed ridiculous. You don't think she's worth of Jungkook's heart and love, he deserves someone better. It's a tricky situation because you know he truly loves her and at the end of the day, what you think is not important. That's why you had decided to agree and help him. It's the least you can do for him. Even if this whole thing is slightly getting messy. You just wonder if Jungkook feels the same.

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