Chapter 27

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"I knew I would see you slacking off. Again."

It doesn't take long for you to recognize the teasing and edge to the very familiar voice, the one you could probably never get mistaken. Glancing at Yoongi who's walking towards you, an evident smirk glowing on his features as he rolls up the sleeves of his black button up.

"Bothering me again? Here I was thinking you finally left me alone." you murmur, audible enough for him to hear because that's exactly what you wanted but all he gives you is an amused chuckle.

You don't even bother explaining to him that you're just taking a ten minutes break, before you've to make calls for upcoming photoshoots. It's not worth it and he wouldn't care for sure.

"Me? Never," he smirks, leaning against the window sill where you're standing glancing at the busy Seoul streets. "And you seem happier, so now I'm back."

It surprises you that he brought up the sudden change of your mood, even if his words were tactical and light without actually prying what happened. You purse your lips, trying to hide a grin because this man is just unstoppable and unbelievable. From the corner of his eyes you notice the corner of his lips twitch as he stares at you with those sharp eyes.

"Such a shame. I was hoping you'd leave me alone for a few days at least." you joke, hearing him feigning a dramatic gasp that makes you snort as you both laugh.

"Well, I'm glad you got your humor back," he teases, wiggling his brows as you roll your eyes although a soft grin spreads on your lips. "But are you okay?" he asks, the teasing long gone from his voice as you stare at him with widened eyes.

He sounds genuine and--

"Min Yoongi, are you worried about me?" you ask, grin making its way back onto your lips as Yoongi scoffs.

"Don't be ridiculous," he denies, scrunching his nose as if the mention of him being worried about you disgusts him. "I'm just curious, that's all."

"Uhm," you hum, smirking when he growls in disagreement. "But since you're so curious about me, yes, I'm okay." you answer, knowing that he's waiting for your answer nevertheless of your teasing and he nods in acknowledgement.

You're okay. When you woke up, unfortunately there were no signs of Jungkook because he had to wake up earlier than you. In a sleepy state, you can remember his alarm going off but you drifted back to sleep before you could pry your eyes open. Jungkook managed to turn off the alarm quickly, before it could wake you up entirely. However, this morning has been different because there was a small note waiting for you on the kitchen counter.

'I had to wake up earlier, we'll talk when I get home. Have a nice day, JK :)'

Just a simple note was enough to make your day a little bit better. Oh, who are you kidding. It made your day better a lot considering how much worried you were about your friendship and Jungkook as well. You're glad you got to talk and understand each other better.

"Oh, I take it you got laid."

You almost choke at Yoongi's blunt words, your eyes scanning the break room which you're currently alone in. Thank god.

"No, I didn't!" you deny, but it sounds like a lie even to your ears and your very attentive co-worker seems to know that too as he starts grinning.

"Oh my god, you did!" he exclaims, grinning as you hiss at him, annoyance crossing on your features.

"So what?" you grumble. There's no point of denying it. Well, at least you tried. "You should get laid too, maybe it would help you with your attitude."

"Are you offering?" he asks right away, catching you off guard as your eyes almost bulge out.

Heat spreads over your cheeks as you suddenly imagine Yoongi naked, most likely being intimate with you but before you can get a proper image, you shake out of it. Fucks sake, this is your annoying co-worker. Why would you even imagine something like that? In your defense, he's the one who said it. Not you.

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