Chapter 72

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Clara woke up from her nap and stumbled to the kitchen to find her husband. She hated waking up, but Taehyung's cuddling always seemed to make everything easier. Seeing her coming he quickly moved over to the little couch and invited her to join him. She immediately went to straddle his lap, resting her face against his chest while he soothingly rubbed her back.

After a while Clara pulled back. "Thank you for today. I had a really good time. And spending it together was kind of magical."

"Me too, baby girl. I wish we always had this much free time just to be together. But our trip isn't over yet so we still have more fun and relaxation to come. But first, do you want to walk into town for dinner or order something for delivery? It does look like a big storm is coming, so I expect tomorrow we'll either make our own dinner or ask someone to bring it to us."

"Then let's go out tonight. Is that ok? I don't want to risk you being seen if that is a concern."

"Don't worry, we'll be fine. I already requested a private space at the restaurant so we can feel comfortable."

After getting redressed they walked a few blocks down the street to a small, candlelit restaurant. After they were led to an out of the way booth, Clara snuggled next to Taehyung instead of sitting across from him.

Clara spent a long time looking at the menu, and by now she was just pouting. "What's wrong, don't you see anything you want, or do you need help with the translation?"

"No, that isn't the issue. I just want too many things and I can't decide!"

Taehyung laughed a bit. "Well that is an easy fix. We can share, and if we have a little extra we can bring it back to the cottage in case we need a midnight snack. Just tell me what you want most and I'll take care of it."

Between the two of them they did have quite the feast. As usual most of Clara's bites seemed to come from Taehyung's fork which allowed him to make sure the most delicious bites went directly to his love.

After they were full, and possibly a bit beyond, they asked to have the rest packaged and after paying the bill they began their slow walk back to the cottage. Shutting the door and locking it behind him, Taehyung invited Clara to change into something more comfortable while he started the fireplaces. Clara came out just a few minutes later wearing Taehyung's sweatpants which caused him to laugh. "I see you've been shopping in my suitcase again."

Clara nodded but quickly defended herself. "They are just so comfortable! What else can I do?" Clara smirked a little bit as she continued. "And didn't you tell me everything that was yours is mine now? These are my sweatpants."

Taehyung stalked closer to her. "You are playing with fire sweetheart. Don't worry, when the time is right I'm going to remove those sweatpants from you and I'm pretty sure you won't be asking me to stop."

Taehyung gathered Clara up in a hug and kissed the top of her head. "It's been a busy day, how about we snuggle up under some covers and check out the next episode of the show we've been watching, hmm?"

Clara smiled and nodded, waddling over to grab a seat while pulling the blanket from the back of the couch. Taehyung followed her with several bottled waters. "If you need a snack or anything else just let me know, ok sweetheart?"

They hadn't gotten very far into the show before Clara was sound asleep, head laying against Taehyung's chest while his arm was around her shoulder. He could see at dinner that Clara was still a bit tired but he didn't mention it. They had the whole day tomorrow, so for now he'd just help her into bed and look forward to what the next day would bring.


The next day brought window rattling wind and rain. They could barely make out the roiling ocean through the streams of water falling from the sky. But with no place to go, they didn't really mind. The lazy day was a perfect opportunity to just spend time together. They put together a puzzle on the small table, Taehyung insisting that he deserved a kiss as a reward after each piece he successfully assembled. They spent time soaking in the big tub, leaving most of the space empty while wrapped themselves together in one corner. They nibbled on the previous night's leftovers, along with their favorite snacks which were stocked in the refrigerator. Taehyung massaged Clara's legs and shoulders, and in exchange she massaged his head, running her fingers through his thick curly locks. The only interruption was from their dinner delivery, the poor delivery man looked absolutely soaked.

"Taehyung I feel bad for that man, I hope he doesn't get sick from bringing us dinner."

"I love that you are so sweet and always think of others. But don't worry. That was one of the security guards. He comes to check on things around this time anyway so he offered to bring us dinner."

"Tae, I totally forgot about the security guards! But I haven't seen them. Where have they been?"

"They were with us everywhere. You just didn't notice them because they kept their distance."

"Really? I mean how is that possible? We went to so many places yesterday and I didn't even see them once. Are they invisible?"

Taehyung laughed. "No Clara, they really were there. I saw them but I knew what I was looking for. I asked them to give us space because I wanted to make sure you were comfortable. And I guess they did a good job."

Clara couldn't believe it. Were they really that sneaky, or was she so wrapped up in Taehyung she simply hadn't noticed them. Either way she decided she was glad. The last few days had really been special. And being reminded that Taehyung was looking out for her even when she didn't notice, made her feel even more secure. She truly felt when she was with Taehyung nothing could possibly go wrong. Which is why she felt even more anxious knowing he would be leaving for six weeks in only a few more days. She really didn't feel like she was ready.

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