Chapter 75

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If delivering the first was difficult, the second was even harder. It felt like Clara was struggling to push hard enough to make real progress and she was utterly exhausted. She cried to Taehyung and his heart shattered at not being there to do everything he could to hold and support his wife.

But eventually the baby began to budge, finding his way down the birth canal and into the world.

Taehyung couldn't quite tell when the second twin made his appearance because there was no immediate crying. Clara saw a flurry of action from the doctors and then the baby was taken away even before she had him in her arms.

"Tae, they are taking the baby away. I don't know what is happening. Why are they taking the baby away from me?" Clara was frantic.

Taehyung's anxiety spiked. He was so frustrated not being there, this was truly unbearable.

Only moments later he heard the doctor's voice. "It's ok, the baby was a little stressed from the difficult journey so it seems like he might need a little extra help, but he's breathing and looks perfect. The doctor just wanted to do a more thorough check-up right away and keep an eye on him to make sure he is doing well. He should be back with you soon. I know this seems scary but it is quite normal and just a precaution so try not to worry too much."

Clara gave a sigh of relief but knew she wouldn't feel truly comfortable until the baby was in her arms and she could see him for herself.

Clara and the doctor had a bit more work to do before she could have the first twin back, but soon Clara was finished with her medical procedures and ready to have the baby in her arms.

She was both surprised and comforted to see Dr. Park carrying her first son back in.

"Hi Clara, I got here about 15 minutes ago. I've checked on both boys. Your first little guy is ready to come back to you now."

"Baby tiger" Clara could hear Taehyung through her ear buds she was still wearing.

"Your other son seems to be doing well but was more stressed from the birth. There are no signs of any concerns and I expect he'll be with you in about 30 minutes, although just as a precautionary measure they may take him back to the nursery afterward to keep a close eye on him. I know Taehyung is stuck in Japan and your mother hasn't made it here yet. So instead of worrying, maybe try to think of the doctor and nurses' extra attention as helpful. It will be hard for you to keep watch over both babies right now while you just spent so much of your own energy."

Gently placing the little swaddled boy in her arms the doctor proceeded to ask Clara how she was feeling and whether there were any important details he might have missed from the delivery. He promised to check in on her and the boys regularly for the next couple days, particularly until Taehyung made it back to town. After congratulating her again, Dr. Park left Clara with the small baby so they could begin to get to know each other.

By now Taehyung had been in her ear with Clara for several hours and the phone battery seemed to be quickly dying. Clara didn't even know whose phone it was, or how they had gotten Taehyung's number, but she was so thankful for whoever had connected them so they could start this journey together.

Both agreed they would be in touch soon, and after Clara hung up the phone she was left with her new little one by herself.

"Hello little one, welcome to the world. You are already loved so much. I can't wait for you to meet your daddy. You are both going to love each other so much. We are the luckiest family to have him. I'm sure you are missing your brother too. Hopefully he'll be here soon and then we can all be together."

Clara dropped the top of her gown again so she could snuggle the baby against her, and he quickly maneuvered to her breast, looking for his first nourishment outside the womb. This comforting moment allowed Clara to fully relax, basking in the opportunity to bond with her son.

Her first son quickly fell asleep from his mothers comfort, but it wasn't long before the nurse came in with her second son, offering to trade so Clara could spend some time getting to know the baby she hadn't even seen yet.

He was also perfect, but seemed more awake and alert compared to his brother. While his brother seemed mostly interested in snuggling, this baby seemed like he wanted to take in the world around him. He shared his brother's thick, curly black hair and Clara couldn't keep herself from gently running her fingers through it. She also held him close to her breast so he could enjoy the same sweet comfort and bonding his brother already experienced.

"Hello little cub, and welcome to the world. I love you, and your daddy loves you, and we promise to offer you a beautiful life. Just keep growing strong, knowing that we will care for and support you no matter what. I can't wait for you to meet you daddy. I'm sure you will be handsome just like him and I hope he will be your hero, just like he is mine."

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