Chapter 33

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Taehyung and Clara didn't move for the next hour. He just held Clara as tight as he could whispering affections in her ear and basking in the warmth of having her in his arms. He didn't have much of a plan, but as far as he was concerned the only thing that mattered was that he and Clara were in agreement that they wanted to spend the rest of their lives together. And not only that, but they were willing to make that commitment official tomorrow.

Taehyung had thrown his phone to the other end of the couch long before, irritated by the constant buzzing that was distracting him from his soon to be wife. Clara's phone had also been buzzing, but was similarly left abandoned on a nearby chair.

Taehyung knew one thing for sure. He didn't care how much trouble he was in, he wasn't going to leave Clara's side for even a minute until they made things official tomorrow. He would spend every second until then reassuring her that his love was very real and would absolutely never waiver.

The blanket of love and calm that surrounded them were eventually interrupted by a knock at the door. Taehyung asked Clara if she was expecting anyone, and when she confirmed that she wasn't they both ignored the visitor. But it was followed by more insistent knocking, along with a voice they could clearly recognize as Namjoon shouting that he knew they were in there.

While Clara was sorry to be disturbed she couldn't leave Namjoon in the hallway. And she was anxious to share her excitement and joy knowing they were going to get married tomorrow.

With a smile at Taehyung, she slid off his lap and bounced over to open the door. "Hi Namjoon, I wasn't expecting to see you, would you like to come in?"

Namjoon was heartened to see that Clara was almost giddy with excitement, but he was really there to collect Taehyung, who by now was going to be in a heap of difficulty with the managers.

"Hey hHung!" Taehyung almost shouted. Namjoon was a bit confused about the excited greeting, particularly considering Taehyung must know that he was there to find him and bring him back to the company. "How did you know I was here?"

Namjoon sighed. "Taehyung-ah, you know the company tracks our cell phones so if they ever get lost they can get them back before anyone is able to break into them. The manager told me your cell phone was here. So it's no surprise to find you here too. I was sent to get you, the managers are about to lose it and I need to bring you back."

Taehyung walked to stand next to Clara, tangling their hands together. "No."

Namjoon thought he must be hearing wrong. Taehyung didn't have a choice, he had to return. They had a schedule for the day.

"What did you say? You know this isn't really an option. We have things on the schedule we have to do today."

"I said no," Taehyung repeated "I'm not leaving Clara today, or tomorrow for that matter. If you need me I'll come back to the company on Tuesday, but until then I'm not going."

"Taehyung-ah, you know that isn't how this works." Namjoon was becoming exasperated. Taehyung had to understand the position he was putting Namjoon in. "We have interviews today and a full day of activities tomorrow. All the staff are already scheduled, and if we don't wrap up recording our trailers they won't be done on time."

"I'm just going to have to do mine later," Taehyung insisted. "And I think you are also going to be busy tomorrow. We really want to have you join us to celebrate our relationship."

"Tae, let me get this straight, you are suddenly choosing tomorrow to take the day for some last minute party you are throwing? What are you thinking? You know that won't work!" Taehyung started raising his voice in frustration. In response Clara had started to scoot behind Taehyung, made anxious by the tension in the air.

"No Hyung, listen," Taehyung replied, remaining calm, "Clara and I are getting married tomorrow, and we want to have you there."

Namjoon turned to Clara in confusion who was now gripping one of Taehyung's hands between both of hers. Had she agreed to this? But he could see her blushing as she peaked further around Taehyung shyly nodding to confirm what he had heard.

"I think I need to sit down for a minute. This is not at all how I was expecting this to go."


Clara had left for a moment to get water for everyone as the two men simply stared at each other. When she returned to the room and distributed the water bottles Taehyung grabbed her and pulled her onto his lap. With her legs facing to the side so she could still see Namjoon, he pressed her head to his chest, ear over his heart which was beating strong and steady. "Thank you my love. It will be even better when I can thank my wife." he quietly spoke while nuzzling into her hair. She gladly snuggled into the comfort of his arms, closing her eyes and relaxing. He was her calm in the tense atmosphere.

"Honestly I don't even know where to start." Namjoon said, clearly trying to stay calm. "Please explain this to me."

Taehyung was quick to respond. "I'm not sure what is confusing Hyung. Clara and I are getting married tomorrow. And today I'm going to spend the full day today with my girlfriend, and tomorrow I'm going to spend the full day with my wife. Are you telling me the company can't even give me a day off for my wedding?"

Namjoon's eyebrows shot up. "But Tae, I mean tomorrow? When did that happen? And is it even a good idea?"

"Of course it is! We love each other and have agreed that we want to make that commitment for forever. Aren't you happy for us?"

"Well..." Namjoon didn't know quite how to respond. "Of course I'm happy for you. But don't you think you should take some time to think about this? I mean do your parents even know? I don't know about your parents, but mine are going to definitely freak out."

"Hyung, it will all be fine. I'm ready to do this. We love each other. And it only takes the two of us to get married. We really are the only ones whose opinion matters."

"But I want you to support us Hyung. Having your blessing and support will make this even better. So I'm asking you to please help me and support us, just this once."

Namjoon looked at Clara who was staring back with pleading eyes. This really was a terrible idea. But he bit his tongue. "Ok, I'll see what I can do. But Tae, if you screw this up I'm never ever going to help you again. You are making a lifetime commitment to Clara, and I'm going to give you one last chance, right now, to make sure you check your feelings and confirm you really want to do this. If you are anything less than 100% sure, we can go back to the dorms now, apologize, and figure the rest out later. If you commit yourself to Clara, you better be all in. Forever."

"Thank you hyung. I promise, this is the right thing for us. Clara and I love each other, and we are going to last forever."

Namjoon looked at Clara next. "Clara, are you absolutely sure? If you aren't, I'll take Tae with me now. You can continue dating, or take as much time as you need to be totally certain. I don't want you doing this just because it was Taehyung's idea. I know how easy it is for you to just say yes to others. I need you to assure me that this is entirely what you want too."

Clara took a moment to think. Really think about what she wanted. And after a long pause, she turned to Taehyung, giving him a small smile. She then pulled herself out of his arms and walked over to Namjoon, sitting next to him and grabbing his hand. She remained silent for a few more moments while both boys' hearts were anxious with anticipation.

Finally looking Namjoon in the face, her eyes softened. "I'm sure Joon, this is what I want too. Both for us and for me. Taehyung and I have known that we wanted to be married. And we don't need a big wedding. I can't think of any reason why we shouldn't be married tomorrow. Can you?"

With a sigh Namjoon relented. "No, I guess not. Well then, I guess it is time to make some calls."

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