Chapter 34

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If Taehyung was envisioning spending the day cuddling up and expressing his undying love to his soon to be wife, he was sadly mistaken. He was on near constant calls and still had a long queue of voicemails that he needed to respond to. Each of his members wanted to talk to him, his parents, his brother, Namjoon's parents, and of course the management of the company.

His members were generally supportive, although it was clear that had some reservations. But they had bonded together to take on the company, insisting that they all have the day off tomorrow to celebrate the newlyweds and that Taehyung be forgiven for this infraction considering his own marriage was at stake. The guys saw how good Clara was for Taehyung, and they generally agreed that while this was a bit crazy, with Clara as his counterpart everything really was likely to turn out just fine.

Not surprisingly, Taehyung's parents were less supportive. They told him that the decision was too fast and he should take more time to think about it. They insisted he come home so they could discuss it in person, and then threatened to find out where Clara lived to come and collect him personally. Taehyung politely acknowledged their opinion but told them in no uncertain terms that the marriage was happening and they could join the celebration if they wanted. Otherwise they were welcome to just stay home. But he did share that he really hoped they might open their hearts to both of them together and come and support them on their big day. Taehyung knew they wouldn't miss his wedding celebration no matter how they felt about it, so he left the call confident he would see them even if they weren't happy about the situation.

By the time taehyung returned the manager's call they already had heard the details from the other members. Recognizing that this was going forward whether they liked it or not, they had already started working out the details. It wasn't like Taehyung could casually walk into a government office to register his marriage. The press would have a field day! And even a celebratory dinner needed a private room, NDAs for the wait staff, and a well orchestrated security plan. It was time to move into damage control, and the staff was frantic putting everything in place as quickly as possible while rearranging the schedule for the next two days. Trying to accomplish this while being discreet about Clara's identity posed some extra challenges, but the staff assured Taehyung they would figure something out. They also made it clear that this, and this alone, should be considered his wedding present from the company. And also there wouldn't be a next time.

Namjoon's parents were the most complicated. They insisted on talking to Taehyung and Clara both together and separately. It wasn't the wedding that was the issue. They actually believed the two were a wonderful match and they thought getting married was inevitable, although the timeline surprised them. But they wanted to make sure the couple had thought about how they would manage after the wedding. It wasn't like getting married would suddenly free up Taehyung's time. So the frustration that led to this rash action was likely to continue unabated. Taehyung acknowledged that they were right, and while he had several ideas he hadn't fully discussed them with Clara. So the two of them were once again left with a homework assignment to figure out how they were going to manage their relationship after the wedding. Mr. Kim instructed both of them that they needed to have this conversation tonight, or else he wouldn't provide his blessing for the wedding,

Mr. Kim talked to Taehyung separately to make sure his plan thoroughly considered how to keep Clara's identity a secret. And Mrs. Kim spent time just with Clara making sure she knew that they were with her no matter what happened, and assuring her that seeing her happy brought immeasurable joy beyond what she could likely ever fully understand.

Throughout each of the calls they found ways to ensure they were always touching. Clara sitting on Taehyung's lap, sitting next to him with her head on his shoulder and fingers intertwined, him sitting on the floor between her legs while she played with his hair. With a break between each call for a series of passionate kisses and confessions of love.

By the time Taehyung hung up his last call, he was more than ready to spend some time just with his soon to be wife. But first, he desperately needed a nap. There just wasn't anything else to say. He was exhausted.

"Clara, it's getting later in the afternoon, but would you allow me to rest for a bit? I know there is so much we still need to talk about, and I want nothing more than to spend time with you, but I am truly exhausted. Even an hour or two will be more than enough."

"Of course!" Clara responded with a smile. "But only if I can snuggle next to you as you sleep. I really don't want to be apart right now. Then after you wake up we can order delivery for dinner and do our homework assignment?"

"You really are too good for me," Taehyung reminded her. "Just promise me you will wake me up in a couple of hours. I know you will be tempted to let me sleep, but I'll be sad if we lose this evening together. Can you promise me?"

Clara agreed and the two of them headed to her bed, hand in hand and ready to hold each other close. They had hardly laid down when Taehyung was sound asleep, and Clara used the opportunity to stare at the beautiful man who would soon be her husband. She truly thought all opportunity for happiness was gone. But being able to love, and be loved, by a man like Taehyung felt like it took her breath away.

Healing (KTH, featuring KNJ)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon