Chapter 40

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The schedule had been set so they would go from the signing directly to the celebratory dinner. Only a small group was invited, a factor of their secrecy, the last minute timing, and Taehyung's efforts to keep Clara comfortable knowing she wouldn't want to be overwhelmed with a bunch of strangers.

Clara and Taehyung arrived at dinner shortly after the parents and entered to applause and wolf whistles. Clara beamed with joy but largely looked at the ground, too overwhelmed to be the center of attention. Taehyung quickly quieted the small gathering, thanking everyone for coming and supporting them, and finishing his brief speech with a kiss to Clara's temple.

The next several hours were spent eating, receiving hugs and well wishes, and being surrounded by people who loved them. The gathering included immediate families, the members and their girlfriends, a few managers Taehyung was particularly close to, and Jin's parents. Taehyung never left her side the entire time, always making an effort to include her in every conversation even with guests she didn't know well. For her part Clara was relieved that the gathering was small. The whole day had been so emotionally overwhelming she wasn't sure how she would feel if the party was any larger.

While Taehyung moved them from group to group, Clara spent most of the evening quietly basking in the glow of being at Taehyung's side. He had so many people who loved him and he was naturally comfortable in almost any environment. She loved seeing the smile on his face and simply being next to him, his arm wrapped tight around her waist. With a permanent smile on her face, she felt perfectly comfortable letting him take the lead in their circulating and conversation.

As the evening wore on Taehyung guided them to begin to say their goodbyes, hoping to have some time for just the two of them. The managers wished them both many blessings and told Taehyung that as one last gift they were giving him the morning off tomorrow so he didn't need to be at the building until one in the afternoon. This was welcome news to the newlyweds.

The members grasped them both in tight hugs, once again sharing their joy and disbelief at the surprise events. They knew they had plenty of time to spend with Taehyung over the next weeks, so they were happy to be brief in their well wishes.

Based on the last minute invitation nobody had time to get the couple any real gift. However the members' girlfriends surprised Clara by quickly pulling her aside and giving her a gift bag, telling her to open it after they got back home.

Taehyung's parents wished them a good evening, his mother reminding Clara that she hoped they could continue their weekly visits to which Clara nodded in agreement. Then Taehyung's mother pulled her into a short, stiff hug, congratulating her on the wedding.

They said goodbye to Clara's adopted parents last. They pulled both of them into tight hugs, expressing their love for the couple. Mr. Kim took the opportunity to assure them both that he'd still be watching over their relationship and to expect more homework in the future, making everyone laugh. Then Mr. Kim became more serious. First he looked at Taehyung, welcoming him to the family. Then he turned to Clara, reminding her how much joy she brought their family. With that final blessing, they were on their way.

As they got in the back seat of the car both sighed with a big exhale and broke into laughter. They had done it! After all the emotions of the day it was time for them to get to know each other as husband and wife.


When they got back to the apartment, Clara asked for a few minutes so she could get ready. Taehyung gladly agreed, planning to take the time to brush his teeth and wash up.

Taehyung was surprised it was taking so long for Clara to come out of the bathroom. Knocking lightly he called out. "Clara sweetheart, is everything ok? You seem to be taking a while." Clara quietly responded that she would be out in just a moment. Very slowly opening the door she shyly stepped out, wearing an incredibly revealing scrap of lingerie and obviously feeling painfully uncomfortable.

"My love, is something wrong?"

" I'm just not so used to wearing something like this. The girls gave it to me and told me to wear it tonight. They said you would really like it."

Taehyung couldn't lie, he did think she looked particularly erotic in the bits of lace that both accentuated all of her curves while leaving nothing to the imagination. But Clara looked almost stricken with anxiety.

"Clara dear, why don't you change into something you find more comfortable and then we can talk. Can you do that for me?"

Clara slowly nodded her head before going back into the bathroom, returning a few minutes later in a tank top and shorts. He could see she was a little teary as she approached him. "I'm sorry if I'm ruining our night" she whispered.

"Never." Taehyung assured her. "But I think there is something that is important for you to understand, ok? That kind of stuff might turn on Jimin or Hobi, but something else turns me on. Do you know what that is?"

Clara shook her head no, biting her lip and blushing while she waited for Taehyung to continue.

"You. You turn me on. I don't need any of that other stuff Clara. It isn't that I don't enjoy looking at your beautiful body. Trust me, I definitely do. But seeing you feel confident and happy is what turns me on."

"I think for now we should take those gifts and put them in a drawer. If sometime later you feel comfortable enough to wear them, we can get them back out then. And if you never touch them again that is totally fine too. Alright?"

Clara nodded in relief. Maybe someday she would feel more self-confident. But as always Taehyung had embraced her as she was. It was hard for her to imagine that Taehyung was happy with her considering how many sexy girls he was constantly surrounded by. But tonight was the first time she really allowed herself to truly believe that perhaps he really did want something different from that. Maybe he really did love her just as she was.

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